Left Minds - agenda. Right Minds - not so much. Incorrect pressure.
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
[Here he’s speaking of the Mind variable - represented by the top black arrow, which points right or left. The direction is determined by the Tone number in a given Design - caveat, this needs an accurate birth time in most cases]
‘The left mind always has an agenda, always, always, always.’
“The Right mind: No Agendas.
So, when we’re looking at the right and we look at the mind set—acceptance, judgment, meditation [Sense keyword related to Outer Authority - basically a piece of the delivery system]—we are looking at the pure potential of the receptive.
This is not about doing.
Judgment, for example, is not about what you would think, in a sense. It’s the acute recognition of what needs to be breathed in, and the rest is rejected.
The receptive is so different. It has no agenda. The left always has an agenda, always, always, always. You cannot separate mind from agenda when you’re dealing with the left. You cannot; it’s impossible.
And the saddest joke of all are those on the right whose minds try to invent agendas, and suffer so deeply from them.
We have to pay particular attention to the right. Not only that, but it gives us a footing, a basis for being able to understand the nature of mind that is emerging on this planet.
But most important in this discussion is to keep in mind the fragility of the receptive mind, and the abuse the receptive mind takes from the strategic domain, how painful that can be, how much more stress is placed on the right mind than the left mind.
By the way, this is a binary. And the large print giveth and the small print taketh away no matter where you look. The dilemma of the strategic left is that they get locked into their patterns and cannot break out; they have their own problems, but it’s different. They each have their dilemmas.
What you’re seeing is that the strategic left is naturally geared towards intelligence.
The receptive right is naturally oriented towards awareness.
That’s the natural orientation.
It should be, in that sense, easier for a receptive being to get to a place of awareness.
However, we know that the receptive being, because it’s in a human vehicle is being deeply conditioned to being strategic and rarely ever, if ever, gets that opportunity [to let that go]. And it’s a totally different kind of awareness.
The dilemma is at the intelligence level. Here you can see what the problem is.
The left is intelligent, it prides [itself on its] intelligence. It is intelligence that gives it power, gives it power to manipulate the world around it.
We live in an age in which intelligence is deeply rewarded. You have to go through strategic intelligence testing for 20 or 25 years through the so-called education system in order to be able to establish your credentials in order to be able to get on with this or that or the other thing, all very strategic, all rooted in the intelligence system, intelligence grading.
My joke about my dog is that I always remind my dog it doesn’t have a neocortex. This is a strategic nasty joke— “I’m more intelligent than you, I’ve got the neo-cortex, you look out, [if] I put poison in your food, you’re dead in a moment. You wouldn’t even know what hit you”, if you know what I mean; strategic beings.
And of course, what happens to the receptive, they’re conditioned to be intelligent.
Intelligence becomes important for them and of course, it puts enormous pressure on them because they don’t have this focused, memory oriented encapsulating pattern shifting way in which the strategic operate, and so all the psychological dilemmas that are going to be there”
~Ra Uru Hu