“On a movie set you have two kinds of actors. You have those actors who have a role and everybody knows their role, they have a speaking part and they get a certain amount of attention from the audience.
Then you have those actors who are furniture, who are background. When those actors come in for the job, to get the job, for example, you're going to have the stars sitting a café talking to each other about something. They can't be sitting alone in that café, unless it's part of the story. But anyway, they're not sitting alone in that café; there are all kinds of other people in that café.
Those people in the café are given characteristics. You're a businessman having lunch. Look at your watch every once in a while, blah, blah, blah. This is characteristics. But if you're the star, you have role. Not only that, when the film is over and they run the credits and your name comes up first, and whoever it was, Harry or Jane who was standing at the counter in the background, you see their names in tiny little print somewhere down in the rest of the scroll.
So, this is the fundamental difference. When you're talking about Profile you're talking about purpose. You're talking about purpose that can only be fulfilled through the correctness of role. You can't get to the correctness of your role until you operate through your characteristics. Your characteristics are what your design is. That design that's in that matrix with all of its dilemmas, its open Centers and its splits and its 'this' and its 'that,' whatever the case may be. The only way you can deal with the characteristics is you transcend the limitation, the characteristics, by operating correctly. You eliminate the resistance. You move through this life correctly.
The moment you eliminate the conditioning elements that arise out of the characteristics of your design, that's the moment you begin to fit into your role and you begin to expand your capacity within that role until ultimately, you fulfill the potential of that role. Along the way, if you look at cycle analyses, basically what you're looking at are two kinds of analysis that are going on in the binary. The one is the year-by- year, the day-by-day, characteristic battle dealing with conditioning, dealing with the conditioning of this force, that person to the limitation in your openness.
The other side of that, the larger picture, is the potential that if you're operating correctly, you can leave the characteristic dilemma behind. Most people use up all their energy dealing with the problems that arise out of being conditioned. The moment you can leave that behind, you can begin to enter into the realm of purpose. That's the moment you move from being in the background and being nothing more than a cartoon of a life, and suddenly you have a role and suddenly you have things to say and suddenly there are people paying attention to you. This is the process.
So, when I talk about characteristics, I'm talking about dealing with your design, dealing with what it is to be a triple-split emotional Projector, whatever the case may be. Deal with your design. And once you've dealt with your design, then you can enter into the realm of purpose. It's what cycles are for.
I would much rather see professional analysts doing regular Rave Returns and integrating that into people's lives. I think that's much more important for them in relationship to the larger themes that are in the cycles, but these are larger themes that are dependent on you operating correctly. If you're not operating correctly, you're not going to get this long-term patterned process. It's going to be there, but it's not like you're going to be in it because you're going to be stuck in your characteristics.
If your not-self is making the decisions, you're not entering into what is correct for you, so you're certainly not going to be able to learn the lessons that are there to be learned. We know that in the very nature of the duality, if for what you do there is a price to be paid. If you don't do it correctly, you're going to pay that price. For most human beings, that's the way in which they operate.”