39/55 - Individual (Circuit) Emotional Definition
John and I have this channel as an electromagnetic connection.
I have the 39.5 in my Design Moon
He has 55.5 in his Personality Moon
Constant provoking of spirit when we’re together 🤭🍿
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
All individuals [talking individual circuitry here] that are emotional have to obey one law - don’t do anything unless you are in the mood.
In the middle, individuality [the channel 39/55 is the middle one between root and solar plexus].
The stream of emoting, this individual quality, it is the most emotional of all the streams and understand why it is the most emotional of all the streams … individuals by their very design are designed to be melancholic in their chemistry or they are designed in their chemistry to experience what is called melancholy.
That is [to say], that all individuals suffer from happy – sad syndrome in their life.
And this is something that is connected deeply in the emotional individual to their wave, in other words that the melancholy and the emotional wave work in harmony.
So what you have is deeply emotionalized happiness and deeply emotionalized sadness.
So you have emotional melancholy. And it is adrenalized emotional melancholy so it can be very powerful. The 39 – 55 is the most emotional of all channels, it carries with it the most dynamic chemistry of all the channels and off course the entry into the emotional system is the entry via the 55, Abundance, and the 55 gate is the gate where in the 6 line we will have the mutation that will begin the process of releasing emotional awareness on the planet.
Now mutations, by their very nature take place in the circuitry of individuality; what we are going to have [here] is a deep emotional mutation.
So very different in this stream from what we have just looked at, because the stream of feelings is purely motor and the melancholic emotional field of the individual is so emotional because there is constantly this tension between the emotional motor on the surface and the potential for emotional spirit that has been there for thousands of years now, two thousands years plus that the SP has been in this evolutionary process.
There is great deal of pressure in the individual emotional system. That pressure by the way is generally released through music.
One of the things to see about music is music is very close to be what emotional spirit is, very close in a way. That is, to establish a frequency in which others can come in on that frequency and lose themselves in coming in on that frequency.
And off course, everything having to do with individuality has to do with acoustic phenomena. It is very, very important for individual emotional people to have music in their lives, it’s essential for them.
The other thing about this stream is that this whole stream has an unusual function in that it represents our respiratory system, our breathing system, our pranic system, it’s the inside of us that is outside, going all the way down into our internal system.
And because it has to do with the breath it also means that one of the most important therapeutic processes for emotional individuals is breath therapy.
Very, very few people know how to breathe, practically no one who is emotional breaths properly unless they have been trained.
Because the emotional system, because it operates in a wave, changes the nature of the breathing all the time, constantly the chemistry impacting on the prana.
And for people that get involved with breath work or breath therapy, that [happens] because they are made conscious about their own breathing system, their own prana, they get to a point where they can recognize in their prana changing that the wave is changing and have another relationship, another way to be able to hook into or recognize or watch their wave at work within themselves.
The other thing is that the emotional nature of the individual is evident in their tone.
And it’s one of those things for individuals to recognize their own sound.
You know, somebody comes up to them and says “hi how are you” and you respond “mmmm I’m fine”, you know, to be aware of your tone it’s telling you something instantaneously.
By the way if you have a parent that is individual emotionally you know that already because you could always tell when not to do anything wrong because you knew by their tone of voice that if you did anything they would kill you.
You know, so you leave that out. Tone tells you a lot.
The 39 – 55, everything having to do with the emotional system has to do with food, has to do with sex.
We saw that in the tribal emotional system [19/49] that food is a matter of resources, in other words; sheep in the pasture so you know that you can butcher them when you are hungry.
And when we look at the collective abstract process [41/30], the experiential way, this is about what is there to eat, you know, I’ll eat ants, I’ll eat snakes, I’ll eat monkey brain, what is there to eat that is the human way.
But when you come to the individual it’s whether you want to eat or not, why bother to eat?
You know, the great fasters of the world come out of individuals, why bother to eat if life isn’t going to be of value.
Parallels, if you look at the individual logic feeling to the Spleen, you get this 28 – 38, this channel of struggle and we saw that the fear of death is rooted in the 28, is the fear that we will not find that life is of value for us.
Well, there is something else in that parallel to the 55. You know, this is fear of death in another way, that life has no spirit.
Doesn’t matter whether life is good or not, it’s the fear that there is no spirit in life, it’s the fear that there is no real spirit in humanity.
Abundance, well, it’s strictly a matter of perspective.
This is the whole thing about the 55 gate, it’s the gate of being fickle, life is good, life is bad, today I’m happy, tomorrow I’m sad, right now I’m happy, in five minutes I can be sad, I can go back and forward all the time, as fast as you like.
The thing to recognize about the 55 is that it’s got the biggest peak and it’s got the lowest valley, you know, it’s like Death valley to mount Everest.
You’ve got the whole spectrum of emotional capacity. In that sense we are dealing with something that is deeply volatile.
But think about what is really underlying it, what’s really underlying it is that the 55 gate is only going to generate its mood swings when it doesn’t see spirit in the world or in itself.
I mean, after all, this is the gate where the spirit is going to awake.
So it’s like the 55 saying “you know, why do I have to be alive now because if I come into the world in a hundred years I could really feel the spirit, so what value can it possibly have for me to be here now with this horrible motor pounding over the top and I can’t find the spirit”.
And because it is whether you eat or you don’t eat, the 39 - 55 has all of these things, it has bulimia and it has anorexia nervosa and all of these things.
The whole thing about the 55 and the only in which one can deal with it because remember the 55 is all about the cup that is half empty and the cup that is half full is that if you don’t give a reason, reasons get you into so much trouble, you know, if you don’t make up a reason then you can find the spirit.
I mean that’s the whole thing about the 55.
You know, as long as it is making up a reason, as long as it is identifying with why it is down or why it is up, as long as it is attaching something to it because remember it’s not just a typical emotional wave, it’s an emotionalized melancholy at work.
You have very sick people with this. You know, emotionally sick people. All kinds of problems because of it and all of that is rooted in the reason making.
The whole thing about individuals is that they are not here to be influenced and one of the most important things for individuals [39/55 defined folks] is to stay away from people when they are sad.
It’s very, very important to stay away from people when they are sad.
Melancholy is personal, it’s personal. The whole individual business is personal.
And the only time a melancholic emotional person gets in trouble is that instead of letting it be personal, it’s their melancholy, it’s their state, they blame somebody else in their life and they push all of that stuff out on the wave.
Now the whole thing for the emotional individual is that they always have to wait for the happy – sad quotient.
You know, you make me happy that is why I’m with you, you make me sad but I still want to be with you. You know, if you can’t get through the happy – sad quotient it isn’t gone work.
And the other thing, very, very important for individuals, I tell them this all the time because it is a nice trick, that if you really need to find out if somebody belongs in your life, listen to their music.
If you don’t like their music, they’re not gone be good sexual partners, they’re not gone be good friends, they’re not gone be good business partners because the frequency doesn’t work. There is no harmony in that.
All individuals that are emotional have to obey one law, don’t do anything unless you are in the mood, nothing unless you are in the mood.
And mostly, this has to do with children particularly, one of the worst things for an individual is to eat when they are not in the mood, to be regulated as to when they eat.
And off course, most of us are conditioned by the collective to be controlled in out eating patterns.
You know, it’s dinner time, it’s six o’clock, everybody sit down, or whatever the case may be.
So it is very important for individuals, particularly emotional individuals not to be conditioned in terms of the timing, eat when you are in the mood and if you are not in the mood, don’t eat.
Very important for individuals.
Remember that this stream from the 12 all the way down to the 39 is about your whole digestive track as well, it’s all about gas and intestines and all of this process.
So it’s one of those things for you to see that if you’re too excited for example, this is not a good time to eat, when you are down in your wave and you’re depressed, it’s not a good time to eat.
You know, eat when you are in the mood to eat and don’t be conditioned by other people who say -
“Oh dear, you really must eat now”.
~Ra Uru Hu