Any Gate 24’s among us?
I have it activated, hanging on a defined Ajna, pointing at a gate-free Head center.
Heads up re. this transcription of Ra below - it’s a bit garbled and I am hesitant to add my interpretation notes into it ‘cause I can’t quite make sense in places (talk about the “unknowable” lol - the joke will make sense in a minute)
Definitely some recognition in this for me though - especially the part about not caring how something works - I’ve said this in many a 1:1 session about different parts of HD, and possibly points to why I haven’t had practically any interest in what might be called “the mechanics of the mechanics” of HD.
Like when someone asks me “what’s the Design date about”, or wants to know more about the crystals - there’s very little in the files in my head to offer …. heck, I’ve never even listened to the Voice origin story thing - the way it was produced on Video - offends my listening ears lol (I recall there being this underlying music/noise track that made it intolerable - turns out Sound is my PHS transference 🤷🏻♀️), but also - it’s a big area of uninteresting … much like any explanation of how the Universe began.
And I’m talking ALL of the explanations of the Universe beginning. I just don’t care 🤷🏻♀️
There’s no way to actually know - and this Gate 24, it seems, could get lost there, so I guess it’s just as well I’m not hooked in that way.
It is in my Nodes though - which I just started reading about - and that might indicate it’s less about me and more about the environment I’m swimming in.
And this I do find this to be true - here after Kiron, (really it started about 5 years earlier, so around 45 maybe?) I suddenly found myself bumping into an awful lot of seekers. With HD as the portal - for sure.
And I’m talking people who’ve been seeking all their lives. This has definitely been new territory. I have never considered myself a seeker.
You may recall, or maybe this is the first you hear this, HD bumped into me. I wasn’t looking for it.
It’s just a rabbit hole in hindsight I can recognize that someone I was already recognizing sent me down, unintentionally.
I understood the possibilities and potential it had right away. Didn’t care how the thing had come to be or who this weird named fellow was or how he was able to share what he had shared.
I literally remember thinking - ooh, this could really help me guide people better, more efficiently.
That’s it. That was the whole driver.
And basically that’s all still true - am still not a seeker. And it’s still only interesting because it helps me to be efficient in guiding and communicating with people.
With the big fat cherry on top being - the efficiency refinement of being able to see what and who is/isn’t me or for me.
Coming up on the end of my year 9 👀
July 15, begins year 10 of this unintended, yet unavoidable Human Design experiment.
My mind wants to mess with me about that a bit lately. And maybe this Gate 24 is part of that.
May have to investigate a bit further.
I guess let’s see what happens next. :)
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“The whole thing about the 24 gate is that the 24 gate is called the Return and the return is one of the four ways. The 19, the 33, the 44 and the 24. The 24 is opposite the 44, just as the 19 is opposite the 33, these are these two crosses of the four different ways. So the 24 has a specific function in that it is the only one of the ways that is in the mind and it is the only one of the ways that belongs to the mind and as such it is very significant for us. In other words, we know from the four ways that there are four basic pathways, the pathway of need (19), and the path of reflection that is in the 33 and the path of transmission that’s in the 44 and the path of thinking and this is the 24.
The 24 is the gate of the thinker, that’s why it’s called the return. It’s called the return because you keep on going back again, over and over and over you keep returning to the same place to ponder. Now, thinking is not necessarily something that is concretized or even deeply conceptualized because thinking is acoustic and a great deal of the 24 and its thinking process is made up of what psychologists used to call a brown study. A brown study is what you do when you sit with unfocused eyes, that is you are seeing but not seeing, there is nothing going on inside of your head, you’re just kind of lost in a pondering plane and you’re not necessarily thinking about anything.
You catch any 24 in a moment like that and you say that them “penny for your thought, what are you thinking” and they look at you as if to say “what are you talking about”, what do you think I was doing here, I was just buzzing. They are not really present in that pondering because that pondering, that thinking isn’t the way we try to describe it collectively. See, the collective would like to consider itself thinkers and they are not. You know, thinking is something that requires no thought!! You know, this is just the tonal pressure that is underneath so this 24 gate of the return is called the gate of rationalization.
This is the beginning of the process of explanation. Because again, you are dealing with something that is unique and therefore the first step is to try to find some way to make it rational in the same way that the abstract needs to make sense out of that pressure and the logic needs to formulize that pressure, the individual has to rationalize. It’s one of the common plagues of the mind that we have these formulizers, realizers and rationalizers. And they’re the field upon which the whole mental world is being examined. Knowing has three rules. Only three rules. The first one is that you have to know what you need to know: my-story, the mystery, who am I, why am I the way I am. It is a basic question, it is the only question.
The 24 gate is Delphi, the 24 gate is know thyself, nothing else, my story, my story. So the first rule is to know yourself, now most people get stuck here. The second rule of the knower is to know what is knowable and unnecessary to know, you know “I don’t care how they get this space ship up there”, doesn’t make any difference to me. It’s something I could know, if I wanted to study engineering and all of that but I don’t need to know all that. Most knowers are lost in just knowing for the sake of knowing, it relieves the pressure. But there is so much knowing not worth knowing because the only thing worth knowing is who you are, nothing else.
The thinker is alone, they always look like they are shitting in that statue, well it’s true, most people are the most deeply contemplated when they are letting out waste, you know you are opening up for a new experience, what to do, you’re getting all that junk out of you, you know. That’s what the knower wants to do. The knower wants to keep shitting until the head is silent, that’s all, get it all out, get it all out, get it all out… and you can’t do that unless you know what you need to know which is “Who am I” and the nature of knowing is that when the nature of knowing clear mutation is possible. To be what you know. Very difficult! The third rule of the knower is to recognize what is unknowable and leave it alone. I do not know what created all this. I do not care. It is beyond my “can” as a knower to know what is unknowable.
Everything is limited. We are a limited specie. We can only know what we can know and this is the great pain of the 24 is that when they are caught in trying to know the unknowable and they go mad. The 24-61 is loaded with madness. In the pursuit of the unknowable “I have to know”. The moment that you can know what you need to know, the unknowable isn’t important anymore because the unknowable is you. We are aspects of creation and the moment you know what you need to know that mind is liberated, silence. Otherwise it keeps coming back, it keeps returning over and over and over again. The great gate of migraine headaches.
You see, the acoustic part of the brain does not like light. The acoustic mind is not interested in the seduction of light. It’s in a sound world. The movement between the beginning of or the potential of conceptualizing, this 24 gate the return.The nature of the 24 th gate. It's called the return.
And it is the most disturbing of all mental gates. It's annoying as hell. Think about what that return really is. You see, the collective mind is in a staged process: doubt leads to a formula, the formula leads to an opinion, the opinion leads to facts. In other words, there are stages in that, but basically the 24 keeps the individual process stuck. It keeps it stuck because there's nowhere to go, because there is no pattern, there is no way. It's waiting for mutation.
Now, the 24 th gate can be deeply painful. I know 24 people who have told me about their experience as children of having to bang their heads against the wall to stop the noise in their head, to stop an idea or a theme repeating itself endlessly. These are people that have the same dream over, and over, and over, and over, and over again until it drives them absolutely mad.
Every time they have their dream, that dream they're convinced that the great truth is there, and each time they have that dream they go through the same process over, and over, and over, and over, and over, the return, returning, and returning, and returning, and returning, and returning. It's like a stuck record, and, of course, that's what it sounds like in the head. The same thing over, and over, and over again until the magic, if there's magic. The moment of mutation.”
~Ra Uru Hu