Meeting others at the mechanical level.
"It is difficult for most people to grasp the power of the aura. It is difficult to realize that your aura does your talking for you.
The moment that you step into somebody's aura, you meet them at the mechanical level as well as the conscious level.
The moment an undefined center is connected to a defined center, they not only reflect that center, but they magnify it.
Never under estimate the undefined head center and its conditioned pressure. When you step into somebody's defined head center, you are going to be filled with inspiration.
You are going to be filled with a certain level of puzzlement. You do not have a consistent way of working that through.
When they step out of your aura, you are left with the nagging remains of questions that you cannot answer. The more you try, the more frustrating it will become.
If you do not understand the mechanics of your conceptualizing process, the resulting anxiety can lead to false assumptions about your own mental state.
Just the same, there is a true responsibility for those of you who have defined solar plexus, which is to understand the power of the emotional aura.
The emotional being controls the environment around them.
The emotional environment of the world is chaotic and distorted. The mechanics are not understood.
Clarity is rare and the world rides blindly on the emotional wave."
Thanks Oleksander