Mental Projectors but not mental decisions ...
'As a Mental Projector, the best thing you can do, go through the experience and discuss it, your Outer Authority gift, as many times as possible with different people. (ideally in aura)'
“I hate making these kinds of statements because when I do there’s always somebody who’s willing to step up onto a cross, but it is not an easy thing to be a Mental Projector.
You have a fixed mind, which means that in terms of the mechanics of your Design you have a very strong mental base. Your mind is consistent, it’s always operating, you live on a mental plane, and you live in a conditioned world where mind is everything.
Your mind can compete in that world so you end up lost in the Maya.
You go to the Mental Projector and you invite them to do something. Where is their Authority?
My advice to Mental Projectors has always been the same.
You cannot afford to enter into anything in the moment. You have to go through an experiential process, whether that experiential process takes a couple of hours or a couple of days.
The only way you can find the Authority, it’s a sampling, is that the best thing you can do it go through the experience and discuss it, your Outer Authority gift, as many times as possible with different people.
Not looking for their advice, not giving them power over you in that sense.
Actually, in fact, what you’re doing based on what happens to you when you integrate into different auras, in other words, the whole lower area of the vehicle starts getting activated and you get different feelings about the value of what you’re saying.
And over a process of bouncing things off a number of different auras, a number of different beings where you get this inner mechanism, you can come to some kind of conclusion about what the decision should be.
For all of the variations there is a dilemma here for the Mental Projector, because for them Authority is really a questionable thing and not something that is simple at all.”
~Ra Uru Hu
via Koen