6th line profile and venturing off the roof - or not
Someone asked for a summary of what on the roof/ off the roof means in this 6th line context - here's what I commented:
The 6th line has a first 30ish years as a 3rd line - figuring out what doesn't work (often chaotic)
The next 20 are what's called "on the roof" where there's a retreat and watching/regrouping flavor
Around 50, the 6th line role model is ready, or not --- to come "off the roof" [back into the fray of Life]
"If they're [6th line profile folks] going through that process [of metamorphasis into the next phase] and if we're lucky enough to get to them reasonably along before their Kiron, there is every possibility that as they enter into their Kironian experience, they are going to be able to come off the roof and they're going to be able to come off the roof successfully.
[BTW I don't actually believe there's a "too late" point, it's a 30 year opportunity - correctness seems the most important component here to me]
I've talked about it many times, there are risks to not being correct when you come off the roof. There are dangers to your well-being, both psychic and physical.
There is no question that mutative beings being mutative are much more vulnerable than others. But the fact is that if you're operating correctly, this is the most exciting thing that can happen to you. It really is.
When I first disappeared, I was a disappeared person, I ended up on this little island. I began to realize, at least it appeared to me, that I seemed to be going mad.
Suddenly I had a different name. I dressed very differently. I was a different person. One evening I was sort of contemplating that, thinking about it. There was a very interesting reaction that I've always enjoyed about what it is to be me.
That's not an Ego statement, because I really see Mr. Hu from the perspective of a passenger.
What was so interesting was that I enjoyed it because it was so different from anything that I had ever experienced or expected.
Of course, there was this rational something in there, always holding me together as I watched that movie, the movie of deconstruction and madness.
I think one of the things to recognize about coming off the roof is there is this tradition of the mystical death.
For me, there is a real connection between this concept of the mystical death and the potential for any 6th line being in coming off the roof.
In other words, to leave behind the constraints of both the 3 and the 6, and to allow oneself beyond conditioning simply to enter into the process. And to enter into the process purely as oneself with no preconditions, just go in and see what happens.
I think this is where the real miracle is and none of us have lived long enough yet with this knowledge to have seen it emerge yet.
But I'm convinced that this era of the Kiron phase, from Kiron to the Uranus Return [appx 50 to 80 yo], this 30 odd years, I think this is going to produce some of the most remarkable examples that humanity has ever had in all kinds of things.
It is a wonderful, wonderful evolutionary step for us as humans. It [holds the possibility to] improve us as humans."