Your unique cognition is the focus of PHS - primary health system.
It’s step 1 in the variables board game. The first puzzle piece (when guided by personal Authority), on the way to your Design potential. The cognition keyword for your chat (presumes accurate birth time) can be found on an extended chart.
If you happen not to have one of those, leave a comment and let’s get you one. - A
“You have to understand something about cognition.
You can never live out the beauty of cognition until you have defeated the mind.
You defeat the mind through your strategy and authority so you don’t have to be worried..
Because that’s the thing that keeps you away from cognition is the fears, the material plane and all of this stuff that drives your mind to making all of these decisions for you that are so distorting.
But the moment you are really relaxed into the process of having your own inner authority - this is when you can really begin to live the life that’s your life."