“There is this assumption that is rooted in the not-self that sex, sexuality is what our relationships are all about.
Sex is the biggest hook of all. It's the blindest and dumbest thing that we do.
And the 59.6 becomes the archetype of that.
What you get to see about that is you get to recognize something very profound.
Because of its power to break the aura, the 59.6 is telling you how powerful the genetic sexual dynamic is.
It doesn't care about what that bond can be, it just cares about making more, nothing else; make more, make more, make more.
And the myth about that is that you make more, and the children define the relationship.
There are so many relationships that have been defined by those children, so many relationships that were created by those children.
I have that in my own family. One of my sisters ended up being pregnant and being pregnant before she was married.
She was forced by my father to marry the man that impregnated her, and she didn't want to.
It was one of those classic one-night stands—he was somebody she was dating, but nonetheless—where you end up in a situation where you become imprisoned by it.
It is one of the things to recognize about what sexuality is really about.
It is a mechanism to imprison us into bonds that are not correct for us.
Now one of the things to recognize, and it goes back to what I was talking about earlier, this whole thing about understanding the nature of what it means to be correct and to love yourself, there's nothing wrong, obviously, with sexuality.
It is something that can be very pleasurable. It can be a way of communion between two beings that, despite the fact that it's primitive, and it's very primitive, as a level of communion, it doesn't have to be something that is a negative.
There are very few people who are designed to be sexual all the time.
I'm not designed to be sexual all the time. I’ve got an undefined Sacral, and I have an undefined Solar Plexus Center.
Now, I've gone through phases in my life where I've been celibate. I've been celibate for the last four years. It is not a thing [problem].
Again, it has to do with your design.
When I was not-self with those two open Centers, if a snake smiled at me, I'd say, “Come on, let's do it,” because this is the conditioning.
Some of them were snakes; that is quite true.
Many of them cost me dearly. That is quite true.
I paid the price over and over again.
But, it's one of these myths - that we're all sexual. We're not.
For me, I’ve known the dilemma of that, because I'm a 5/1, so it appears that it's seductive, that I can be seductive, that I'm looking for something.
And it's much worse for a woman.
Any woman that carries a 5 in her design, particularly the 5 unconscious—there’s nothing more painful than seeing a woman who's a 3/5, and the dilemmas they go through in terms of the way in which they're perceived, and how uncomfortable that is.
I think where the dilemma is, is with the not-self Generator.
Generators are the most fertile forces that we have on the planet.
All Generators are capable of reproductive strategies.
And all Generators carry very strong reproductive conditioning because if they're not reproductive, everything dies.
So, the not-self Generator population are the ones that are carrying the myth of sexuality.
They're the ones that are bringing this sexual myth forward.
The Manifestors, Projectors, and Reflectors, who are non-sacral beings, are the ones that have really suffered because of that.
The amplification [via white sacral centers] of this whole fertility demand that you have to be sexual, that you have to be compliant sexually, all of those things.
There is this assumption that is rooted in the not-self that sex, sexuality is what our relationships are all about.
Now, this is so deeply seven centered and has nothing to do with the nine centered being.
Everything about being nine centered is that the communion is supposed to be awareness.
And you begin to see that sex itself is one of these tools for defining how one feels about oneself.
‘If I can have sex, then I'm going to feel good’, all those kinds of things.
‘If I'm going to have sex, it means that she really loves me, or he loves me’ or whatever the case may be.
In most cases, the sexuality in long term relationships is not something that is generally appreciated.
I remember what that was like.
When I was not-self and I got into bed with my wife, I expected to have sex.
That's what was expected, that's the way it's supposed to work. This is supposed to be the rules.
But if you're not-self, this is the way in which you move further and further away from any kind of transcendent spirit.
It's not about everybody becoming celibate and becoming monks and nuns, whatever the case may be.
It isn't about that, because after all, there is no homogenization in this knowledge. [louder for the folks in the back please 🙃]
We are all unique; we are all individuals. We are here to express ourselves in a unique way.
Now there are variations.
There are those people in their design that are obviously meant to be sexual, there's no question about that.
When you look at different people's designs, you can really see those that are designed to be sexual and those who are not designed to be sexual.
But it's all about the way in which you are going to operate in relationship to another human being, because it is our connection to the other that has to change.
And most importantly, what has to change is the relationship between men and women, the way in which these bonds operate.”