"Our aura may be closed, but we are here to be approached. It's a wonderful thing. Somebody the other day was talking to me about how you reach out to Manifestor. And I said to them that there are two things that you don't do with a Manifestor. You don't ask them and you don't tell them. We're not here to be asked. We're not here to be told what to do. We're here to be informed.
It's one of the things about this word and how important it is for us. If my partner tells me to do something, my hackles go up. If I'm asked to do something, my hackles go up. But if I hear about something, I may act. If I hear that there happens to be no butter in the fridge, I, as a Manifestor may just get up and go get some. It is something to understand about our relationship with the other.
Yes, we can be approached, and we can be very warm and very loving in our relationship with those that can approach us. But is not about asking us or telling us, it's about sharing with us information. That's what it's about.
Let Manifestors decide in their process of Authority what it is that they are going to act on. It's something to see that when somebody comes at you and they want to ask you or they want to tell you, and they don't know you, if they want to discuss something with you, that's a different story. If they want to talk about something with you, that's a different story."
Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Chaitania and Oleksander