RAX - Right angle Incarnation Crosses (also, 1/3 profiles)
The Incarnation cross is made up of the top two gates (Sun and Earth) on both sides of the chart.
These 4 Gates are the most influential and also represent appx 70% of your design.
Mine is called the RAX of the Unexpected and these crosses also vary by profile - my profile, as you maybe already know is 1/3.
Why that matters is revealed in this passage. Short version - there’s only a pretty tightly held circle of attention that’s possible here - and thanks to my Tribal inner Authority connection (19/49) and my environment (Markets) … if you’re a supporter, you are inside of it.
Even inside that bubble there are layers of accessibility.
Maybe you recognize these things :)
There’s a 1200 pdf reference for those Crisses by Profile descriptions, can find and add a link to it in the comments as soon as someone raises their hand for that.
Tbh it has mixed thoroughness (being a transcription of Ra talking without any particular plan) and detail usefulness may vary.
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day -
The Right Angle Cross is self-involved, it doesn’t matter who else is in their life, they have their own geometry.
“Because we are talking about purpose in life, we are actually talking about our movement in space, which is conditioned by these three different geometries: Right Angle, Juxtaposition, and Left Angle.
In this century, we have confused a lot of this terminology: karma, destiny, fate, all of this language that has been popularized.
What I want to show you is that these geometries are very specific.
If you have a Right Angle Cross – which tends to be the majority in society – you have what’s called “personal destiny“, you’re not carrying any karma.
So, if somebody comes and says to you: “You’re going to pay for this! “, respond, “Nope, I’m not, I am not carrying any karma, thank you very much!” – because it’s true!
You see, the Right Angle Cross is self-involved, it doesn’t matter who else is in their life, they have their own geometry, and there isn’t anybody who is there around them that is going to alter that movement in their life.
They have their personal destiny and they are going to get to their personal destiny. That’s their geometry.
When you are dealing with the lower trigram, you find they have very poor transpersonal skills, they’re not equipped to deal successfully with the Other, they are absorbed in themselves.
The 1st line is introspection and says: “I don’t want to see anybody, I am studying. Don’t bother me; I’m doing my research. Leave me alone, I am busy with my own thing.”
The 2nd line says: “I don’t know why you’re coming to me; I like to be left alone. The moment you come, I have to do something, I have to learn something, I have to figure something out. Leave me alone!”
The 3rd line says: “Jesus, I didn’t mean to bump into you!” – because that’s what happens to 3rd lines: they just bang into things. None of them are really equipped to deal socially with the Other.
They have personal destiny. They are just into their thing.
Now it doesn’t mean they can’t love, and they can’t blah blah blah this and that.
You know, but it’s not who they meet that’s going to get them to the point where they will fulfil their personal destiny – so a tremendous part of the population is just involved in their own trip.
Period. Ok.”
~Ra Uru Hu
Koen has a LAX (Left Angle Cross), so I imagine he’ll get around to posting a passage about that too.
Meanwhile, if you have the Definitive Book and the interest, there’s a beginner section in there about the topic too.
A search here in this Locals should reveal some this and that too.
Including a map of how to determine which of the 4 quarters of the Rave Mandala your personality sun falls into -
Purpose fulfilled through Mind, Form, Bonding or Transformation (I think that’s the 4th one - blanking right now actually and am not going hunting for it - it’s 3am and time to go back to sleep 🙃😅)
G’night 😴