Genoa Bliven (teacher and student of Ra):
"I need to say again that Ra's original indication for 6th color, right fixed, was to eat in indirect light. This was later changed to "night."
These indications are for the time that you are consuming food only.
It is essential to get sunlight on your skin to produce Vitamin D. Vitamin D is not actually a Vitamin but rather a hormone.
Without it, you die.
Vitamin D deficiencies lead to depression,
dysfunctionality, delusions and suicide in shockingly high percentages.
The rate of suicidal behavior and other self-destructive behavior increases exponentially as the dificiency increases.
Increasing Vitamin D however, rapidly reverses these self-destructive behaviors, if caught in time.
Human beings have evolved over millions of years as a diurnal mammal. All of our biology and function centers around the fact that we are biologically designed to function during the day.
There is no debate on this topic in the scientific sense. The idea that that evolution can be changed in one generation, or needs to be, is delusional.
Ra was very clear that the indications for extreme right fixed beings had very little to do with food and would be increasingly relevant in the distant future.
However, once you liberate your perception of this subject to include information on the creative process and what the 6th color right fixed is really about, there can be incredible insight and life-transforming perceptions and practices."