Differentiated Marketing Consulting
Just ran into this post I wrote back in March of 2020.
Would have been mere days before I got what I can only assume was Covid.
It would be July before I’d be able to breathe deeply again without difficulty. I remember that moment like it was yesterday.
The clarity of what was apparently so obvious to me and clearly stated back at the start of our collective Covid experience, has basically taken 4 years to come back around to 👀 whoa 😳
What a huge disruption we all had 😐
Makes me curious to see what else I have written in the past and maybe it’s time to begin some sort of retrieval and collection process 🤔
I’m not entirely sure that the image, which was the prompt for the post’s clarity, is still on point.
Am thinking better phrasing is a possibility.
But imagine this graphic - which is pretty powerful in its visual messaging (not that, this) and how many different ways something like this could be used to deliver a message in a quick glance.
I think it could be useful in the HD Mission Statement exercises - it’s basically an elevator pitch as a visual. 🤔
Well, anyway - here’s what I wrote to go with this picture 4 years ago today (ty FB you do have a few not so small benefits) -
"Differentiated Marketing Consultant" - wth heck is that??
I just wrote that title in a FB group post for the first time ever.
:) it's a lot of what I do ... a hat I wear ... have been wearing for awhile now. And I just stumbled into the name.
Let's break that down shall we?
>> Consultant - is pretty straight forward... "Consultants are the experts in their field, and are paid to give their opinion"
>> Marketing - seems like it would also be fairly straight forward, but it turns out a lot of people have pre-conceived notions about what marketing actually is. And they're mistaken. Or at least not aware of all of the possibilities. This is an opportunity to educate the ones who are sick and tired of what's not been working. Or not :)
My very shortest version is -
Marketing is anything and everything that comes before a sale. And it doesn't have to be icky.
>> Differentiation - in this case it's about considering the individual, helping them look at their particulars (in this case through a lens called Human Design) and brainstorming WHICH marketing and offers and HOW they might be implemented.
I ask a lot of questions to "get to the bottom of things" :)
Yeah. That seems to describe what I do.
All with an extra eye towards self-care woven in so you can show up as yourself for the people you're meant to.
So in a nutshell - I'm helping folks who want to do business as themselves explore possibilities to do that while still taking care of themselves. And yeah, 'I give you ideas that make it a lot easier to grow your business'.
Can maybe be streamlined ... but yep, that's the gist.
How do you describe what you do?
PS there are some specific references to what’s in my design in that “what I do” part.
Two in particular, can you spot ‘em? 😊