The Channel of Struggle, Gate 28 & Gate 38
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“The 28th gate and the 57th gate - the 28th gate has a lot of power. It has an interesting kind of power.
You have somebody like me who has the integration system [no Gate 28 activation] - they are deeply selfish in their own survival and self-absorbed in their own survival and do not care particularly about anything other than their own survival because that is natural for them.
But the moment that a 57 meets a 28, it's ready to care, if necessary, for another.
The 28 has a lot of power [I have this activated in Lines 1&6] - it brings integration into the larger individual process.
It takes away the pure self-centred concerns and caring of the individual and they turn it into something larger.
So the 28-38 [I happen to meet this channel a lot and also it’s an electromagnetic for John and me - he has a hanging Gate 38], which is the Channel of Struggle, this whole business of struggle - so many people who have the Channel of Struggle are annoyed by it.
The Channel of Struggle is really very beautiful, after all. One of the basic tenets of individual life is that - what's the saying, "Life's a bitch. It's better to be rich."
We're all out there struggling on the material plane - this is part of our lives.
But more important for that, the essence of knowing what it really is to know, and this is the purest knowing that is possible, is the knowing that's there in the Spleen in the moment.
It's pure - it's not adulterated by the conceptualising processes and influences of the mental plane. This is a deep, pure knowing.
The whole business of this knowing is about finding out for oneself that life is of value.
That's what knowing, at its deepest level, is about.
To know that life is of value, to know its worth being in these vehicles, to know that this process is a wonderful thing and that it's exactly what we're supposed to be doing as we chunter along in these funny little vehicles.
Because of that, the fear that we deal with in the 28 is the deepest of the primal fears.
On its surface it's called the Fear of Death.
Again, the collective is designed to fear authority and to fear inadequacy - that's the collective's design.
The individual is designed to fear dying.
Yes, yes, yes. It's not like there's something wrong with us when we're concerned about the fact that we are terminal.
Life is terminal.
The whole thing about the nature of the Fear of Death is that it has nothing to do with death, which is nothing, after all.
It has nothing to do with dying, which is what most people have fears about. It has to do with whether or not that in one's life. That before death one can see that the process has really been of value, the struggle to be alive is worthwhile.
It's not the Fear of Death, it's the Fear of Living.
[A fear of living poorly]
It's one of the great fears of the 28 -
- the Fear of a Useless Life,
- the fear of a pointless life,
- the fear of a life made up of just banging one's head against the wall and others,
- a fear of knowing that when you're 85 years old you're still going to leave the keys in the house and after you've walked out you're still going to have to go back in and get them.
What we have in the 28th gate is that what lies within us is a gate of gambling and risk taking.
One of the things to recognise about fears is that fears are signposts for us in our life process they're signposts.
The moment that you're ready to take a risk and you're a 28, you know, you know that life is not of value to you. Instant. Instant signpost.
It says, "Excuse me, this risk means that you do not think that your life is of value right now." Period.
28s can easily kill themselves - easily.
The classic 28-6, Neptune in detriment, Self-destruction, Blaze of Glory.
Eating a little too much, going a little too fast, taking a little too much of this and a little too much of that, and going a little too fast, and on and on, until you finally go over the edge because life is not of value.
All that struggling and all that gambling is about trying to see whether life's of value.
"I'm going to take this risk. I'm going to jump out of this airplane. Maybe it's going to make me feel so good that I land and I'm alive that I'll recognise that it's really good to be alive. I'll take any risk to find out that it's really good to be alive."
That can get downright dangerous.
This is not collective - this is deeply personal and it's individual.
It's not like somebody can come up to you and say, "Your life is really worthwhile. I'm so glad you're here on the planet." [hahaha I do find this pretty annoying lol]
And the 28 says, "Piss off!"
It isn't going to do them any good.
This is not collective.
This is not the tribe looking for support.
This is an individual - they have to know that for themselves.
Because individuals suffer from melancholy and they fill up the couches of the psychiatric world, you can see what's going on and how they're totally distorted in that process.
Individuals have to know, and they have to know in the now that life is worthwhile.
It demands that they cannot know that unless they are totally existential and surrender.
That's what individuality is all about. It's being existential and surrendered.
In that moment of being existential and surrendered, each moment they can say, "Oh, I'm still here. Everything's OK."
The thing about individuals is they don't listen - they are deaf.
That 38 on the other side of the 28 is saying, "Don't talk to me. I'm not listening to you. I'm going to go ahead and struggle to make sure that life is worthwhile. I will do everything in my power to know that life is worthwhile. If you get in my way, I will fight with you. Don't try to help me, please."
If you fall in love with somebody who is individual and you see them crossing the street and there's a car coming and you reach out to pull them back, they will never speak to you again - your relationship is over.
They will look at you and say, "What the hell are you doing? You don't think I can cross the street by myself, you fool."
And the other one is saying, "I was only trying to help. I was only trying to help."
"Yeah, yeah, yeah."
Individuals have to know for themselves. There is no other way for them, which means that this is the deepest of fears because it is rooted deep in the individual soul.
Is life of value?
Everybody wants to know: "What's my purpose?"
The purpose of life is life.
If you don't get it, tough.
~Ra Uru Hu
Photo - John 2/4 sacral Generator - 11 Individual activations including 2 individual channels and 1 collective