Finding the HD detail gaps (that can be in the way of your awareness)
Finding the Information Gaps that can be in the way of your awareness (or whatever the topic du jour might be - open G is free from any direction filter).
This seems to be a pretty big piece of me being me in the world.
Obviously I can't know all the things about all the things, nor would I want to. In fact I know I don't know plenty about plenty and am more than find with that (defined Ajna privilege mebbe 🙃🙂).
But what I do find myself doing, and this is why being in contact with people who really recognize me is key, because whatever they may want to pull from me, my design (in this case 19/49 emo Projector with a 1/3 profile and Fear Motivation seems to be the pertinent part) ... I'm prone to investigate.
You may or may not know ... that lately, I've been doing more 1-on-1 sessions with people in my various Planet Andrea programs and projects.
Way more Zooms for me (though it's 'only' been maybe 2-3 a week, it's a lot more than what my body actually prefers lol). And that's okay.
Knowing I operate seasonally (Taste PHS has this theme of 'seasonal'), I know it's not a forever thing and I can roll with it.
I've seen this before, sometimes there's a period of 'time to investigate' (something or other deeper or for the first time) ... or 'time to organize/reorganize'... something that feels like it's taking me off course of my days.
For whatever reason, here I currently find my 'somewhat reluctant, but resigned to it all' self.
Writing that last sentence lead me to go hunting for a gate/line description from my chart with that flavor of 'resigned to the less than enthralling details part' of my process. I knew I'd read it, but wasn't sure which one - it turns out it's Gate 17.3 - I've added a screenshot below.
I've got multiple 'details' references in my various activations - this one my Mind finds a bit of a pain in the tookus tbh. Whatcha gonna do.
Well anyway, here's the point.
Talking in depth to people and figuring out how to organize the flow of the programs to help people set their foundations correctly - lately has me poking around in areas of Human Design that I've not had any particular draw to previously.
Oh they're still interesting (it's not like I can ever see myself being drawn into the details of cosmology, for instance - I really just don't care) ....
But topics like parenting, which I've been tapped for but not settled into what angle to maybe hone in on .... and Rave Psycology (which is its own big ass nut) ... and most recently, Dream Rave - which, it turns out I think I "may" be able to see a foundational way through to.
But they also get back-burnered until there's someone who really has to have the thing I haven't explored yet.
Everything I 'do' with Human Design, the reasons I find any parts of this knowledge base interesting always ties back to a small handful of things.
1. will this thing help real people in their real lives to be able to see themself and the others around them
2. will this thing support my tribe (in my "Markets' case, that's only my actual family and people who are clients and customers) in their foundational awareness and ultimately reduce resistance.
The gist is - if we can have awareness of what we are and what we are not, we can weather whatever comes our way - correctly as ourselves.
My big umbrella for cracking that nut - as you've maybe already seen plenty/been audience and even subject to is by looking into the Notself.
Not with any sort of elimination agenda, for it is still us after all - but with curiosity and compassion and grace (oof now we're getting all up in the mushy feely words my Mind hates - I think because of how over used they are) for what's true now.
No judgement ... just eyes open, popcorn out, witnessing.
And then, in the waiting and the watching, transformation happens - without any "doing" beyond that noticing muscle being honed inch by inch. Encounter by encounter.
Because if we lived in a vacuum, none of this would even matter - you get that right?
All of Human Design, as far as I'm concerned is about being able to see ourselves and the world, relative to each other - and taking advantage of the ability of awareness to reduce friction and resistance.
And for me, it's in the details of the gaps of the areas of Human Design that your Mind can still be influenced and keep hold of your decision making.
Wherever those (info) gaps might be.
And like I said - one place that's been waiting in the wings, is DreamRave.
Somehow, someone I've been working with for some time now (and making lots of discoveries with as far as how she's wired), this last call we had somehow DreamRave came up and she was like ... "wait, what??"
Somehow, what I had this assumption around "everyone knows there's a sleep chart" that apparently wasn't true.
And so, I'm diving a bit farther in - just enough hopefully to serve up what needs serving.
Already have a preliminary doc started that I think outlines the idea of what it's even about. If you'd like to read it, you're welcome to, I do think it's 'good enough' for starting with (it's all Ra from the Dream Rave analyst program transcripts, with a tiny bit of clarification in brackets from me), but understand that more may come.
I actually think this could be a fine optin thingy, but that's a conversation better served (or not) in Dbay Locals 🙃
Details about the 15 “Sleep Gates” and how to begin to look at DreamRave charts (mine is image 2)
The main thing I'm appreciating about the foundation as I know it so far is that - our sleeping chart is also "not us" and so, nothing changes on the things we've heard repeated over and over again -
Want to wake up as yourself? sleep alone
Want to live as your type? then LIVE as your type (to the best of your ability and as possible, these things take time)
Want to make correct decisions for you? get tuned in to your Authority and make it the keeper and protector of your personal autonomy.
I was a bit thrown by this being a gap tbh, I mean it does come up here and there in the groups ... but just goes to show you hoe people can only hear things when it's time for then to hear the thing.
All good.
Any gaps in your HD understanding that you are maybe interested in exploring? Just drop a comment :)
No pressure at all.
Just want to make sure you've got enough to eat 💜
PS. If you know I already have your foundation chart, generating a Sleep/ DreamRave chart is easy peasy, and I'm happy to make you one (also comment this) - I'm not fully equipped to interpret them just yet, but I have found my way to "the bottom line" ... it's what's called "weak points"
Weak points are places that are activated in your DreamRave and not in your actual Foundation chart. See my chart - it's the red gates on these charts.
And it's at these Gates where the program can -without awareness- hang tight on to your Mind, pressing your forward into awakeness as your Notself and essentially derail your whole day.
Awareness, as with everything, is the way forward.
Oof eh?