Waiting is not falling asleep.
"Waiting is not falling asleep.
It's not like waiting, to sit here and this great life is supposed to come to me while I'm gonna wait.
No! That's not waiting!
Waiting is alert non-action.
So, it's not about falling asleep as you wait for life to come to you in the correct way according to your type.
It’s being aware and watching and observing as you wait.
So important because as you watch, as you observe, you know this is true, it’s scientifically proven …
Things change from being observed.
So you watch your life around you. You watch others. You watch your own thoughts.
You watch your mind judge you, judge others and it even judges you're waiting.
It judges everything the mind, right? So you watch all that, just watching.
And know that the mind cannot really grasp waiting.
Because it doesn't want to wait.
And it certainly doesn't want you to live this experiment. Because if you live this, it loses all its power.
It's been head honcho, it's been the rooster, you know, king of the roost.
It's been what has been running our lives.
So, the waiting is actually a way to break that old pattern of the mind running the life.
The mind pushes and pulls and wants everything to happen as fast as possible.
It doesn't wanna wait.
And the mind does not allow for life to just unfold. The timing that the mind wants is everything now.
And it wants what it wants and it wants it now.
And if even better would have been if it got it yesterday.
But this isn't the timing of existence, this isn't the timing of the universe.
We will get what we need, this I know is true. Not necessarily what we want, but what we need.
But when it comes is not in our hands. Nothing is in our hands.
But there's a huge timing out there, that has nothing to do with our mind and it's a small way of looking at life and at the unfolding of life and at our role in life.
The mind can never understand the mystery of what it is to be alive, to be in form.
To live from a place that truly knows what is correct or not for us.
It can never know that because it wants to keep telling us what to do and it wants to keep telling us what to do based on the past and the projections into the future based on the past.
And waiting gives a grounding in our life. One that's going to immediately bring a difference to our life process.
It's the beginning.
Waiting is the beginning of surrendering to form."
Via Oleksander Vasin and @NaimR