Gate 47.5 - seeing it “at work”
In my chart, I have 3 activations of Gate 47 on a defined Ajna.
The Gate of “Oppression” … dun dun dunnn
Doesn’t sound great, right? 🤔
Well, the keywords that Ra or the Voice or whoever came up with are speaking to the Notself.
He did have a 51.5 P Sun after all (the Gate of Shock, heretical version) … and the transmission was filtered through him … 🤷🏻♀️
Anyway, so I have these 3x 47s
And this one (47.5 in P Uranus - “unusualness”, I’ve seen operating in a couple different ways the last couple days. I actually see it all over the place - especially as a collective expression, but these two examples are outer authority switched on, recognized and correct - always a source of #projectorsuccess (ie recognition). And yet they’re so different.
One is collective flavored. It came pouring out in a post on the VIP projector group. A kind of collective mediation flavored comment.
You can read about that over here in a Dbay Locals post I made the other day -
The other instance, Markets Internal with a splash of Tribal - ie. I’m just getting to know a new client, now clients, and we were able to talk at length thanks to there being a transaction portal they could step through and me having clarity of my own Yes to the conversation and could see how “Now” was going to be important (I had to change my plans).
My 19/49, a channel that’s ’sensitive to the needs of the tribe’ (it defines my Authority) had a decision to make. And I think it made the right one.
So let me explain.
The story actually started 20 months ago when someone asked whether I did readings.
I don’t, but I do.
I “don’t” as in, I don’t actively offer them - and when I do they’re typically as part of a different offer, a longer term coaching something or like a bonus perk to a program, like I just did with the 6 weeks beginners project.
But, I also “do” when someone recognizes me as the one they know they want to talk to about - whatever - they have to be ready to vomit all of the details at a minimum… otherwise, what I’ve come to recognize is that not only can’t I be my most effective (Fear Motivation and 1st line profile … demands the details to be able to function at peak performance), but it also has the effect of making WAY more work for me.
Which, at this point in my experiment, is a straight up, “heck no, why would I do that??”.
[btw, Unexpected Cross never fails to deliver on its promise - once someone wanted to talk to me about whether she should have another baby - what? 🤔🤷🏻♀️ -
I think she was a Mental Projector and just needed a soundboard that wasn’t gonna give her an actual opinion… can’t recall the details exactly]
Anyway, I digress …
20 months ago, someone paid me for a session.
Last week she messaged me with “it’s time!” … and I was like 🤔
Had to read our earlier thread to get looped in. She was ready for her session. And our prior chats had been pleasant and filled with recognition, so I was fine with going ahead with it.
[another option, with all the time that had passed could have been to say that too much time had passed - which could have been an understandable/viable path too … and my last text to her had been “let me know when you’re ready” 🙃🤭]
But, my Authority was still a yes, so we decided that last Saturday would work for us both.
We talked for hours and hours.
Talk about someone being ready to supply me with ALL the details … I got ‘em 🙃☺️
There were brief blips for me along the way as we chatted - of “wow, this is still going and no end in sight - that’s wild 👀”
I think it was the longest call I’ve ever had. And yet, correct because, no bitterness, no exhaustion, 🤷🏻♀️ my Mind doesn’t understand. That’s okay ☺️
Fast forward to yesterday. The rest of the screenshots tell the tale (I was chatting with someone else who’d popped in and was describing what had just played out) - that was just before the call.
The part my 47.5 P Uranus played IN the call, was clear …
Armed with the massive download of details from the week before, it was an elegant mediator to two people who were ready to better understand what might be tweaked in their communication with each other according to how they’re each Designed, (there were some big feelings, but even that wasn’t a problem) and paired with my 39.5 Design Moon (“obstacle? What obstacle?), and despite the difficulty that some of the conversation could have held, I think we all came through just fine and I’m actually excited to hear about what comes next for them.
Back to the Keynote for the Notself part - the 47.5 keynote is “Saint” …. Oh what the mind could do with that.
But I know, that I’m no ‘Saint’, not any more than any other Projector has the potential to be to the people who recognize them.
But if you read beyond the keynote, and if you already have any familiarity with me … this ‘can see both sides’ thing, (even when I have an actual opinion), and not “take sides” - it’s a thing.
It’s like this ability to stay neutral, and essentially in everyone’s good graces/trust zone and still call them out individually… that flavor.
I do that for my tribe (both family and customers/clients aka where my friends hail from … y’all are my Markets internal tribe).
I do that in my Collective posts (FB groups are somewhere in the gray zone between the two for me - those posts are for the tribe and potential tribe to hear, but collective can listen in too - or not)
It’s a referee or mediator flavored Gate from what I can see … in my particular Design, it has to have the details and the rest … a possibility of sweet sweet recognition.
Yesterday … everyone got to eat (19/49 reference again)
And the recognition at the end of the texts below?
Unexpected cherry on top 🥰
PS. remember to click to read full image 👍🏽