Can certifications actually put a stranglehold on your money possibilities?
I’ve just posted this to my FB Timeline:
This image and related post was shared by @BeyondBeautiful on her timeline, where I first spotted and commented on it.
That plus the comments on the original post as well as Valerie’s share of it are what have prompted me to begin to make a space for this conversation here ... and maybe beyond.
Because I think this all comes down to Money Stories.
And the false idea that education is the only (or any kind of) solution to having it flow.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that learning and building wisdom in a particular direction is pointless - far from it.
But the institutions and governing bodies are not serving the people they were supposedly created to.
And “certifications” become badges for proving.
What if NOT wearing those badges could actually result in having not only more freedom from the overseers - but in creating more wealth as well.
My original comment:
“The thing that's so clear to me is - you have an advantage to guiding .... but can only really financially benefit (potentially really well) if you can release yourself from the trap that those certificates land you in.
Same skills, different 'hat' = freedom from all the rules and limitations.”
Secret and Limiting Beliefs aka conditioning awareness is the first step on way through imho.
It’s the portal.
Who’s ready to go there with me?
Fair warning ⚠️, this can tend to dredge up a lot of personal muck.
But faced bravely and knowing there’s no judgement on my side helps I think.
It’s an onion peeling exercise that takes time and curiosity as much as courage.
Oh and patience.
Though there is one training that gets the ball rolling fast.
Have been using it for years that way.
Though it could use some organized adding onto now that HD is in my mix I think 🤔
The important question is maybe ...
Do you trust me and wanna play?
PS. there’s value here whether you have “certifications” or not.
When it comes to Money Stories, Limiting/Secret Beliefs, Conditioning ... overeducated folks do not have a corner on the market - believe that.