Projectors: dive deep and experiment - simultaneously.
I wanna preface this with my objection to the first sentence potentially setting a “woe is me, I’m a victim because Projector” tone.
Comparison is always always (always) the thief of joy. There is only you, and your trip.
Better/worse … harder/easier is all so pointless if what we’re seeking is our differentiated experience.
What this is, however - imho - is permission for Projectors to guide before they feel like they have all their own ducks in a row.
There is no “being a Projector” without practicing at BEing a Projector… see what I mean?
Okay now you may read. 😄
This is Ra -
“It is most difficult for the Projector, truly. It is most difficult because for the Projector there is no instant gratification to Strategy.
A Manifestor any time they're ready can inform before they act.
The Generator has a moment-by-moment-by-moment-by-moment opportunity to respond to life, to what's going on.
But Projectors, 22% of humanity, are a non-energy Type. They are non-Sacral. They do not consistently manifest.
That means that you cannot say to a Projector with its Strategy of invitation, just sit here and wait for the invitation.
Generators always think that they're being imprisoned because they have to respond, they have to wait to respond.
But for a Generator the time span is usually seconds between opportunities to respond.
That isn't the case for the Projector.
It's different.
It is in the Projector's very nature, it is, in essence, an aspect of their Strategy to understand the system, to go deep into it, and to go deep into the system in order to understand the other [the mechanical dynamics of the other].
It's not so easy for them to live their Design.
When a Projector enters into Human Design, yes, there's the obvious, there are invitations.
And they can begin to recognize how important those invitations are, that they begin to see how they need to be able to deal with those invitations.
They may be an Emotional Projector or a Splenic Projector, whatever the case may be, but the real Strategy for them in the first years of their process is [in taking in] the knowledge itself.
And this is a commitment to an experiment in education; truly.
An experiment in education, an experiment in learning the mechanics of the way in which the other operates.
It takes Projectors—look at their aura, the way it focuses outwards—it takes Projectors a very long time to really begin to see themselves. It isn't of interest to them; it isn't [this is debatable imho and can vary from Projector to Projector even if it’s not in their best outcome interest]
The only Design, the only Type that is designed to look inward is a Generator.
And so they should because they're messing everything up, and they should look in as deep as they can.
But that is not true for the Projector; they look out.
Their aura focuses in on the other leaving them very vulnerable.
If you're a Projector, you have to live your limitation, your Design, like everyone else. But you need to go deep into the knowledge [again to differing degrees depending on the individual design, yeah?].
You need to study; you need to understand how the other works.
And as you're going along in that process, every once in awhile there are going to be the invitations.
And they will allow you time after time [invitation experiment after experiment] to align yourself to what is correct for you [to recognize what a YOU specific invitation can be like]
But you have to live it from the beginning, from the start.
[Read that last sentence again]
Only Projectors are forgiven for diving headlong deep, deep into the knowledge before they're actually correct.”