Happy Valentine’s Day ❤️ (for me it’s all about the chocolate 😊)
John remembered this year a day ahead. I’d completely forgotten.
We are 8-1 ‘have some fun’ in our connection chart. Only the ego is left undefined but we both have a dormant Gate 21 (the Gate of control) … wisdom to gain - or not - about proving we can control stuff. In the Notself of course, it’s a funny movie. 😋🙃
He asked me last night what he should do … get me chocolate today …?
I said how about we wait till tomorrow and get it together - 1/2 off 🥰
Perks of being together for so long and the rest of the world being driven by conditioning - cheap Bon Bons 😊🥳
Anyway - Jovian has posted an appropriate freebie for the occasion.
It’s “How We Connect” - which Ra did originally on a Valentine’s Day, many moons ago.
Being able to see the mechanics and communicate correctly with the people we encounter… is … well, possibly everything.
❤️ I appreciate you more than you maybe imagine.
Enjoy 🤗
“How We Connect”
Audio -
And PDF -
Lemme know what you hear that’s new? (Or even a timely reminder)
And be sure to do something extra special for yourself today, k?
Me? I think Im gonna wash my hair and go to Aleda’s so she can press it for me.
If her Authority is a thumbs up too of course.
And maybe I’ll take us some sushi 🤔😍
PS. Anyone want a connection chart of any combination?