The majority of humanity is Notself - gotta navigate that appropriately, yeah?
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
‘You cannot ever just let beings into your aura.’
“When you think about all the decisions in a lifetime that you made with your mind..
[Just] Think about them…
The disasters that followed and all the mental work you gotta do to keep up with the disasters and to deal with the consequences.
[how exhausting and inefficient energy-wise eh??]
Mind doesn't know what to do with your life. It doesn't care. It doesn't.
It has no recognition of [or for] this vehicle and [only] looks out.
It may be meat [brain/mind], but it's smart meat. Really, really, really smart meat.
So, what these vehicles are and their smartness, [all] about is being in the world, on this plane. [what a clumsy sentence 🤔 mm I think I fixed it, the transcriptionist seems to have been a tiny bit dyslexic or something - or maybe aura was when he spoke sometimes 🧐]
You see you have to let go of this illusion.
That this life belongs to your mind.
It doesn't belong to your mind. It belongs to your body.
And your mind is just going to have to put up with it. Because it can't do anything about it.
And at the moment that the mind can actually let go and say okay let's see…
Each decision is the roadway to correctness. [or not]
Each [Inner Authority based] decision underlines [underpins?] you to what is the correct discernment for you about who you let into your aura!
Are you insane? You cannot ever let just [any old] beings into your aura. It doesn't work [out well] that way. It doesn't.
Begin to think about what everybody brings.
We all carry stuff, definitions, activations, histories [!] …
We carry auras of different power and intensity…
And the majority of humanity is not-self.
There are times when I just see people, you can see the frequency field around them and I make one of those big kind of “go this [that] way!” [gestures to fend them off]
I don't even want to bounce off that kind of energy.
There are all kinds of beings in this life.
There are those that have a chance [to become aware or be guided to themselves] and the rest, they don't.
And you see until you begin to understand that your first responsibility is to yourself [singing the song of my 27.1 PSun here] … and after that [close second in importance] it is the purity of the environment that you permit around you physically.
[emphasis added]
~Ra Uru Hu