Projectors and the impact of energy types (Generators and Manifestors)
"Let's talk about strategy. You've all heard about the projector strategy that you're here to Wait for the Invitation, but that carries a certain kind of connotation. It's not to be confused with the generator. Yet at the same time, there are some similarities.
The generator is here to respond, that's its strategy, but Respond never has to be conditioned by something formal. A bird sings, and the generator goes, that's a response that's correct within the context of their strategy. When you're a projector, it always has to be Formal. It always has to be Formal. And projectors have two kinds of strategies that they live out:
They have a Primary Strategy, and they have a Conditioned Strategy. And these two strategies very important. You see, look, as a Projector, you can never be without the other, and you're always going to be with others because they're the ones that satisfy you. You're always going to be with others that turn you into an energy type. That's just the way that it works.
So the first and the primary strategy is to be correct in entering into any relationship. In other words, in order for you to enter into a relationship with somebody, whether it's intimate, whether it's work, whether it's education, it doesn't matter what it is, you have to receive a Formal Invitation. In other words, you really have to be asked. It's something that has to come to you. It has to be very clear that it's coming to you because you see that invitation, that invitation is only for the moment, and it's only to tell you this is correct. Afterwards, it all changes. It all changes because the moment that you go, okay, I accept this invitation. You suddenly then become a Generator, entering into the relationship with the other. And when you enter into the relationship with the other, that's when your Secondary Strategy comes in and your secondary strategy is you have to be asked formally. You have to be asked.
In other words, what happens to all projectors is that they cannot exist without the energy types. And at the moment they're with the energy types. They cannot help but deal with and be impacted by the energy strategies and the way the energy works. So one of the things that's so important for you is that when you enter into a relationship correctly, that is, you have been invited and you go through your process and you enter into that relationship. The next thing to recognize is it's not about waiting for any more invitations about that relationship. It's about seeing that from then on, in order for things to be correct, in order for things to be transformed, in order for you to be treated with respect, you have to be asked. Think about that Open Sacral Center, please. That Open Sacral Center has a motto, and the motto is, Nobody has a right to control me. Nobody has a right to control me. Nobody.
That's what the open sacral. That's its deepest, deepest statement. Nobody has a right to control me to force me. Nobody. So that the moment that you enter into any kind of relationship or any kind of direction. From that moment onward, you have to see that the abiding strategy for you is simply to be treated with respect. That is, you must be asked. And in being asked, then you will be able to handle the conditioned energy that's around you. Because remember something. The priority is how it starts. It's all about how it starts. If you have the correct kind of relationship and you're invited into that relationship and you agree to that and you enter into it.
The relationship you have from then onwards, the basis of it is correct. In other words, you're not entering into a relationship, not as yourself. You're entering into it correctly." (Ra)