This is how I putter around the Internet, seeing possibilities, connecting dots
I rediscovered my IG account called @thenotselflife this morning as I was headed somewhere else [1/3 open G and Head life]
(can link that below - there's some funny stuff there :) makes me wanna make printed t-shirts or coffee cups or something lol)
Managed to get logged in (the struggle is real with me and IG 🙃).
And then actually made a post. 👀
But first, a quick stop by Canva.
(notice what's in the faded background?? apparently I'm obsessed LOL - nah it's my nature ... Taste PHS here, once I like something, I can be into it for quite awhile)
The Canva was fed by something I'm reading in preparation for a Notself Projector session And a Notself Connection session (might need a snappier name), that I'm priming my pump for.
While simultaneously conceiving a mini-workshop called "Seeing the Notself" (aka. Module 4 in the 6 Weeks with HD Beginners project - yes that's right, I'm offering a stand alone workshop inside of an already running program) and sourcing some materials for that, dreaming up the flow.
It's turning out to be quite an expansion of the Notself conversation I've already been in with individuals in my one-on-one sessions for several years now.
What's crazy is, as I'm reading Ra (am currently elbows deep in the Connection Chart stuff), it turns out that what he's describing is sounding an awful lot like the Notself Sessions I've already been doing. 🤯
Nice validation.
Hmm ... I really should be writing this in Locals first instead. I have this longstanding battle going on around achieving FB escape velocity.
Apparently, today is not that day 😆
Ah well, maybe tomorrow :)
For now, here's Ra talking about Notself in relationships -
"Until you begin with yourself,
the relationships you have with
others are always relationships
that are always a dilemma.
Each day that I do the daily transits,
I have this very strange feeling,
this recognition that as I speak,
the description of the imprint is
being lived out in the world blindly.
It's almost frightening to think about
how homogenized and controlled
humanity is.
It's spooky.
Most human beings have not in any
way come close to mastering their
relationship with the whole, with the
vast program that is constantly feeding
and transforming our consciousness,
let alone their capacity to recognize -truly-
their relationship with the other and
to be able to enter into those relationships
PS. Here's the Instagram account :)