Human Design is an invitation to explore your own priorities
I'll be using (I think) a couple of Genoa Bliven (of Human Design America) audios as a jump-off for Module 4 in the '6 Weeks with HD Beginners' project I'm watching come together.
That lasts through the end of this month.
Can drop links to the ones I've settled on so far in the comments section.
The first one begins like this.
"Human Design is an invitation to explore your own priorities."
Later he refers to it as an Adventure. 😍
And you possibly already know how much I love that word (if not, search "Uncle Stanley" in here via the magnifying glass at the top) - it's a core understanding I operate on.
Anyway, I thought just that first line is pretty profound.
If you're ever invited and are looking for a way to begin to describe what Human Design is.
Nothing to prove, of course. 💜
:) A
PS the program is shaping up with mostly energy being leant by my 17/62 and 19/49 ... first three modules were effortless
(minus some short periods of worry over strategy -not for me- and the complete incorrectness of scheduling -anything- that I get to be reminded of when coordinating with people in time and space is something you think you oughta be doing - because how else can "it" happen, right??)
Am getting reminded that it maybe doesn't have to be that way.
It really doesn't.