Some words from Alok and a decent foundational correction (image 2)
“There is probably no other line in the whole Rave I-Ching that is experiencing the same amount of increasing pressure as we move towards 2027. The reason for this is that ever since the mutation of the human Solar Plexus was set in motion around 1781, the most fundamental fuel that the mechanics of this gate have always represented historically started losing its power. Initially, very slowly, actually so slowly that it gave us the time to also recognize the apparent benefits of such a transformative process.
You see, Gate 19 - Approach - is pointing at Gate 49 - Revolution - the only other gate that shares the biochemistry of Histidine with Gate 55 - its neighbor in the Body Graph - which is responsible for bringing about the mutation of the Solar Plexus center. Before 1781, Histidine was doing what it had always done until that moment, keeping the pressure of Gate 19 in perfect submission to the tribal principles, naturally imposed by the 49, and this is how we kept evolving for Millenia as a species. Wives being 'good wives', husbands being 'good husbands', for whatever that means.
But here comes 1781, the discovery of Uranus and what not in an explosion of a new form of Humanism that had never been witnessed before in human history. The fast, faster. fastest industrialization of the world opened up the door to social changes that would have a deep impact on the way men and women interact, the most important of which is the emergence of divorce, something that would have never been possible without the access of women to the work place and to their own salary.
Now, this is a real game changer, with such a deep reaching impact that only now - with the divorce rates skyrocketing and the birth rates sinking as I write, especially in the most materially advanced part of the world - are we becoming aware that in this rapid transformation and progress we also seem to have collectively lost something essential to us; the only truly essential connection that we had to the human spirit. It is the individual spirit, after all, that is capable, or not, of relativizing the importance of being a man or a woman.
Dualistically, as life always works for 'good' and for 'bad', this mutation simultaneously offers any individual human spirit a much broader doorway towards individual self-realization, something that was only exceptionally available before 1781, for the few who enjoyed certain privileges because of their social status. The 'bad' news is the price we pay for it collectively, as together with the decay of the marriage contract we are also experiencing a decay in everything that was considered 'holy' in the past, of which God and the Family were its greatest representatives.
This has weakened the efficiency within the support mechanisms of civilization, of which the Family was the most important component, and has started nourishing the most toxic combination for collaboration in the building of civilization that has ever existed in the human psyche; the confusion between the self-empowering enlightened selfishness of which the individual is capable, with the darkest and most destructive disempowerment that grows in a form of collapsed and passive egoism.
From where I look at all of this, only Strategy and Authority can reestablish the connection to our organic roots in life, which lie invariably in the surrendering of the personality to the body. Everything else is living trapped in the collective ordeal into which the evolutionary forces seem to be taking us as a species.
Well, this is what the program has brought to the flow of consciousness today. I wish you to enjoy reading through it, and hopefully there is also some for which it makes such a perfect sense as for me.”