Posted to my FB timeline -
“The giclee test art prints arrived today and they are GORGEOUS 🤩🥳
All was going perfectly with the unboxing … until I messed up the smaller one by catching it with the edge of a sticker it was packed with 🤦🏻♀️🙄
It took the surface layer with it 🥴
#3rdlinelife for reals 🥸😜
It’s not so obvious now ‘cause the next thing I did was break out some colored pencils and do like they had us do in art class in 9th grade … color match the existing picture - back then it was a picture from a magazine 🙂
Maybe you can spot it if you look real close ☺️
Anyway, I’m hard pressed to say whether I like the original or these giclee prints better.
All I know is I’m pret-ty dang tickled with these.
And now feel 💯 confident selling this painting as an art print 😍🥳
What an adventure 🙃
Deep Matte Giclee
12x12 with a 1/4in border
16x16 with a 1/4in border top & bottom”
And then shared with this addition to the Art of Being YOU FB group that is Vanessa’s (@bodyvoice) baby.
I muse as I write and things get pulled from my Right Mind … :)
“I’m seeing such an interesting pattern emerge. Paint, photograph, share, sell, order print, wait, receive print, verify quality, share, ship … I guess paint comes next? 🤷🏻♀️
I do have some ideas floating around. Experiments in “more” in this direction.
I’m reminded that I have Taste PHS. Experimenting (ie. having awareness around that, watching, not necessarily ’doing’ anything through Mind), supports my Cognition, which in my case, when enhanced through living my design is also related to refinement of … Taste.
It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy 😅
Taste PHS has a seasonal aspect to it. Also repetition is a theme.
And the first time I watched it ‘happening’ (or really it was more of a derailment that I watched and got to see as it was happening, but it was too late to stop) was about 18 months ago, at what was to be the end of my (first? 🤷🏻♀️) Dot Mandala season in July 2022.
I found myself picking the same colors over and over again and somehow made that ‘wrong’ thanks to conditioning. The result was, I asked for other people’s (taste) suggestions and the work that came next became a grind, I didn’t really like what came out and it killed the whole flow.
Having watched it before, and finally (apparently) recovered from that experience (there was another derailing shock that came in August that same year and claimed most of the Fall, so maybe it was all just timed the way it was meant to be)…
Anyway, this time it feels like I can not be fooled by that monkey mind around “variety” having some sort of innate value(or so I think lol).
For me, with Taste and also my channel of Talent, which has to claim it’s practice and has potential Mastery as its outcome … well, neither of those parts of my design are supported by rejecting repetition, see?
I mean even Picasso had his ‘blue’ period, Monet his water lilies, Georgia O’Keefe her own floral studies… themes and repetition… NOT a problem.
So curious to see what happens next ☺️
Maybe it turns out I’m a 6-12 paintings a year artist 🤔
Boy, that feels chill and resistance free. Effortless even.
Hmm 🤔”