The correct split definition, relationships & teaching
“The split definition that’s correct is here to teach everyone else [TEACH them!] how to be in a partnership because they know what's missing for them [what they’re missing out on].
[It’s so interesting to read this first hand. I’ve always heard this interpreted as ‘single definition, quads and triple split’ don’t need others … and as I’m reading it in person, that’s not what I’m hearing at all]
They [single splits] know what it means; that having an other makes an enormous difference in their lives.
And I'm not just talking about a lover. I’m talking about all relationships. [relationships with any other people]
It is only in the split definition that there is this potential to really make [understand and transmit/teach what can make] partnership work.
You can't expect a single definition, a triple split and particularly a quad to be able to [know how to] make a relationship work.
They don't.
They’re the problem in the relationship, because they’re not designed for it. They're not.
They don't know what it means that through the other they find wholeness.
Think about how profound that is.
You’re a split definition, you're correct, you enter into a relationship correctly and it gives you a sense of wholeness.
That sense of wholeness gets translated as a value in terms of the quality of that relationship.
You understand immediately the benefit you're deriving from that connection; immediately.
But if you're a single definition and you enter into a relationship, the relationship isn't giving you any sense of wholeness.
“I don't need anybody,” by design.
So, the whole concept of relating with the other and the bargains that have to be made and the compromises and the “this” and the “that”.
You have a split definition that has a compromise on their bridge and they’ll live with it.
You’re a single definition and you have a compromise with whomever and you're taking knives out of your pocket.
“I don’t want to have anything to do with you.” Because there’s nothing that says [no built in awareness], ‘you can't afford to give these people up’.”