Ahh the transcript that Dave’s (Neutrino Radio) short video was made from 🤩
I’ve linked the video below.
“See, when it comes back to you really being a good analyst, when it comes back to you providing a service, the real service you provide people is to be able to guide them to their Type, to be able to explain to them the nature of their definition and authority, if they have it.
And then to put up huge, simple warning signs for them. Little warning signs that you just hold up in the air.
You say, “Undefined Spleen, what feels good isn’t necessarily good for you. Don’t jump.”
Little signs, little signs. Not complex things. Little mantras.
Got an undefined Ego, “Never make a promise.”
You got an undefined Throat, “Never speak first. You just wait for it.”
You got an undefined Ajna, “Never give it inner authority, ever.” It’s the only thing that saves the undefined mind.
You go to them and you just go boop, boop, boop, boop. You know.
Undefined Sacral, “Don’t worry if you’re sexual or not.”
Undefined Root, “Don’t get caught up in the stress.”
Undefined emotional system, “Don’t give authority to emotions.”
Did I leave anything else out?
Oh yeah, undefined Self, well that’s an old mantra. “If you’re in the wrong place, you’re with the wrong people.”
Undefined Head Center, “Don’t go crazy.”
Little things. Because once you know your Type, then the most important thing to help you fight conditioning is to know where not to give authority.
When you see that someone has an undefined awareness center, then you know you have to accent that.
‘Not only should you be careful to not give authority to this, but understand how tempting it is to give authority to the undefined Spleen.’
All these undefined Splenic people who say, “Oh, I love to be spontaneous.” They want to give authority to spontaneity; they desperately want to do that.
Just as the undefined mind [Ajna] wants to desperately give authority to its mind, desperately.
And the undefined emotional person wants to desperately give authority to their emotions so they don’t feel sick, because if they can give it authority, at least they can claim it as their own.
In all three cases you have problems, mostly medical problems.”
~Ra Uru Hu
I also bumped into this earlier today - it’s something I wrote in 2022.
Considerations for White Centers: