We’re not here to “Herd & Homogenize” - How HD Motivation fits in
I have a feeling I’ll be reading this passage on video and using it as part of the Jan/Feb beginner workshop material.
You may already be well aware that the 4 Transformations -
And Motivation/Awareness
Have held fascination and recognition for me as a hugely important way to begin to support people into their experiment with their Design - for quite some time.
It’s just so highly practical and can be individually experimented with - instantly taking one out of theory and into “what’s this look like for me and the people around me”. You know, the part that actually matters.
Gaining awareness of the Notself themes is equally huge. But that’s part of the how.
THIS speaks to the “Why bother” piece of the puzzle.
This post has been inspired by Koen’s comment and Ra quote of the day -
Koen: ‘If your mind makes the decision you’ve lost your cognition.’
Ra: “I look at Motivation [the 4th Human Design transformation] and I see it as the deepest challenge [and gift of potential] that is there for anyone who is trying to complete this holistic process of transformation and awakening.
The Personality [black side of the chart] is always a dilemma.
The mind and its deep connection with the vehicle and its desire to maintain its control over the direction of the life, the fears that human beings have…
How easy it is for the mind to be able to jump in and start taking control and making decisions in the life [your life].
In understanding the purity of the natural world, it’s also there to inspire you. We, too, can return to the purity of that consciousness field, but not at that level obviously, we are different.
We are far superior when it comes to the infrastructure mechanism for the potential of mental cognition.
We have these tremendous brains. We have an extraordinary possibility of expression through the self-reflected process of mind.
[But] Our dilemma is that Mind has never been trained to see.
Mind has only been trained to be in control of a run-away vehicle.
And of course [then there’s], the frustration [Generator] or the anger [Manifestor] or the disappointment [Reflector] or the bitterness [Projector] that comes with being unable to hold onto this run-away vehicle and control it.
Oh, how important it is to work with your Mind, to exercise your Mind, to recognize transference.
For you to see clearly what is correct for you, to see what Motivation lies underneath and to not allow it to drift [and recognize when it does - because it does drift, no choice … the noticing and disallowing decisions to be based in transference is an important part of each person’s experiment].
And it requires simply an attentive mind.
Well, “simply”, it’s a nice way of saying it.
It’s quite a thing to get your mind to just stop being concerned about your life, stop insisting on wanting to make decisions.
The longer that I do this, I’ve tried so many ways to explain to people that when you use your strategy, decision-making seems so straightforward.
And that the mind cannot make the decision, it can’t. If your mind makes the decision you’ve lost your cognition.
You do not have the right motivation.
You cannot be the being that you’re intended to be.
[Your potential cannot be realized].
And you can only have that kind of attentiveness of mind when it’s relaxed, when it can kick up its feet [as a passenger] in the back seat of the limo, make itself really comfy, have a nice, nice [undistracted] view and watch the movie.
And watch the movie driven in the way that it’s correct so that you see with the perspective [View] that is essential to the expression of YOUR unique awareness. It is what we’re here for.
We’re not like the beast on the savanna. Oh yes, I can romanticize the beauty of the natural order, the beauty of the consciousness field in the grasp of the planetary program.
But we’re much, much different than that. We are not here to ‘herd and homogenize’, to all run blindly in the program together. That’s ok if you’re sheep in the field. There is no other consequence. There is no awakening as a possibility. But for us to follow our motivation is to follow the road to our uniqueness, our unique mind and the beauty of our unique mind.
This is what it’s for. It’s for the seeing. And you see in context, the context that your motivation gives you.
And it is that very seeing, what you can grasp from that, that you can express as outer authority; [this is] what gives you value to the other.
There are so many relationships in a life, but what do you remember?
The ones that gave you something, an inspiration, a truth, honesty, love, whatever … but that’s what we remember. It’s what means something to us.
We all crave Outer Authority [of others]. UNIQUE outer authority.
Like children in a high school that pray that there will be a teacher that can turn them on, because it’s important for us.
We need Outer Authority. But not just the old homogenized [version].
This is the time to break away from that, to express [your own] unique [outer] authority.
You can only do that when you are properly motivated [in the HD sense], correctly motivated.
It is only then that you have access to the cognition underneath.
It is only then that you can make intelligent observations, and [have ideal access to] your intelligence, your gift, your specialization.”
~Ra Uru Hu
LOL re the photo - I snapped it in this wacky little local gift shop on an unexpected trip across town the other night. 😄