Projector/Manifestor friendships
Spotted this Ra share from Di Vin -
Di Vin -
“Your projector aura wants to penetrate the other, but cannot do that with a manifestor. It’s not personal.
These can be nice friendships, though, when correct.
Here is a conversation with Ra and a student about Projectors and Manifestors:
Question: As a Projector it’s taken me quite some time to adjust to Manifestor auras. I just can’t penetrate there. And I’ve seen, I’ve heard from various people how Manifestors and unaware Projectors, it’s a difficult combination.
Projectors are very uncomfortable with that. What would be a healthy way that a Manifestor and Projector could relate? It’s almost a mismatch, isn’t it?
Ra: Yeah, I have a number of Projector men in my life who are friends of mine that I am very fond of. We have what I would describe as an extremely light relationship. And I think that that’s the thing that keeps the Projector and the Manifestor in a relationship in healthy space, that it isn't anything beyond almost superficial in the way in which they relate to each other. I think it’s the only thing that protects them.
It’s very difficult for the Projector that is geared to this focusing and the Manifestor is basically deflecting.
So, they have this false illusion of being connected to each other because they’re non-Sacral beings and there is a sense of camaraderie in that. But I think the real dilemma—because the Projector is there to recognize—that the moment you go to any deeper level, the Projector doesn't have a fair chance with a Manifestor because they can’t really dig in. They can’t get deep enough.
So, if those relationships are kept relatively on the surface, and they can be very lovely there by the way, I know that from my own experience, then it's a really nice connection because it doesn't come with the Sacral things that are very different. It is an interesting connection between them. But the reality is that the Manifestor is the past ruler and the Projector is the future guide. They're very different. They’re similar in some ways. Roles, as an example, historically speaking; however, they’re incredibly different.