Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
“The nodes [the Environment and View variables] are about what we are here to see in our lives.
What we are here to see.
We well know that what we are here to see is going to be relative to where we are. It is going to be relative to our movement, direction so forth and so on.
But to truly grasp the nodes in human design, you have to recognize that they are a binary to what makes our brains, are minds, pardon me, operate the way in which they do.
We looked at being last week. Looking at the way in which the mind sees itself, interprets its condition.
But the nodes?
Everything about us as human beings is conditioned by what we see. It is conditioned by it.
The profoundest thing that anybody said to me, in my earliest years of exploring knowledge; When I asked somebody what it was about. They said “seeing, seeing, seeing”.
I don't know if they understood what they said, but oh boy was it ever a truth.
Most human beings do not see. Because they're ‘looking’ for something. They're looking for something. They do not see [what they’re perfectly Designed for].
And when you are ‘looking’ [via your Mind], you cannot see.
And what causes you to look?
Transference [of View/Perspective]. That's what causes you to look.
So that you cannot see, and what’s so beautiful about seeing is how unique seeing is. I mean, we are conditioned by homogenized perspectives, aren’t we?
The billion people that watch some spectacular global television event, all looking at the same thing at the same time, all being conditioned to see things the same way.
If you can condition people to see things the same way, they will THINK the same way. The most powerful propaganda is visual.
You can talk famine until you're blue in the face, but you show those little bloated dying babies and empty breast. Wow is it powerful!
And it brings out exactly what the homogenized conditioning wants to be brought out.
You know they had this scandal during the brief Hezbollah-Israeli war. Where you had people who were sending in photographs that they said they had taken, taken pictures of both sides by the way and they had been played with, they’ve gone through Photoshop.
Those images are incredibly powerful. Look what happens to us when certain images suddenly explodes.
I think of the Abu Ghraib, you know, this whole prison abuse scandal in Iraq wow the power of that!
Homogenized beings are conditioned to respond to homogenized looking.
Get them all to look in the same direction and they don't see what you’re doing behind their back.
And seeing is so unique. It is so unique. First of all we have to deal with the fact that we’re dealing with the nodes. That they move around the wheel. That we have 32 different basic oppositions and that those 32 basic oppositions are rooted in base.
How many variations of nodal oppositions are there? About 35,000, it’s about 35,000 basic ways to see, to see. And of course, that's the bed rock of the formula for the differentiated mind.
To see things your way. And I'm not talking about vanity here. I'm not talking about intellectual insistence. I’m talking about awareness.
Because if there is something that can describe awareness, seeing comes closest, at least for me.
And of course that is seeing with the mind disengaged from it's pandering to the homogenized conditioning dilemma.
The not-self and all that decision-making rooted in strategies of fear.
We think it all comes from our programming sun/earth and in a sense it's so. You know this is our solar program. This is the information we need to live in the world, it comes from the sun, it is grounded in the earth.
But the nodes…
They carry the whole story of the biverse and they program us with the great movement of the totality. And there's so much to see and how blind we are.
You can imagine it as some kind of a bitmap where you have this potential for thousands and thousands of different pixels, each with a different unique color and instead you get this smudge, dirty brown or whatever you want to call it.
A smudge, grey, with once in a while just a hint, that there's something else.”
~Ra Uru Hu
Phot credit: Andrea Goodsaid
“Dawn of Possibility”