“Human beings are funny, no? The 17-62 says, "I need to be able to reasonably get other people to understand me, and I'm anxious as hell if I can't reasonably get people to understand me.
Then I become unreasonable, or they seem to be unreasonable." This is the place where the facts can get manipulated out of the anxiety.
“They're not going to understand my formula. They don't understand my formula. Let me cheat the facts.” So these are our embezzlers. The cookers of books. They're great at that. Good deal makers. They can play around with the formula. They can play around with the facts.
Of course, when they play around with the formula and they play around with the facts, they live an anxious life; paranoia. Isn't the mind a great place? So if they don't understand you and you cook the books, even though they seem to understand you, you spend the rest of your life anxious that they're going to catch you.
Never Forget the Frequencies in Awareness
The frequencies in awareness. I don't talk about it a lot because, of course, I don't do basic trainings or advanced trainings anymore so I don't get into that language. But never forget these frequencies. The splenic system operates in the now. It's existential, which means it's ultimately very weak. If you don't pay attention to it the first time, you don't get it. But when you get to the mind you have to see that the frequency, unlike the Solar Plex which is a wave, the frequency of the mind is all time. It's all time. Never forget that. It's all time.
You see, you can have a spontaneous "anxious moment" – a spontaneous fear. But it's gone then. It's over. You have it and it's gone. If you're emotional, you’ll go through the wave of your nervousness. That's the fear of the emotional side, but anxiety can stay with you all your life. So the moment that you cook the books, you have to live with the anxiety for the rest of your life and you can't escape it because it's your mind. And because we think that our minds run our lives, what we do is cook the books mentally, and then we try to live it out. And of course, the whole deep bitterness comes with that.
There are a lot of people, for example, who would like to cook the books who can't. Because every time they try, they just can't seem to do it, because they may not have the ability to motorize that. It may not be something recognized in them. It may not be something invited to come out. It will depend on their Type. It will depend on their authority.
So the thing to recognize about the collective fear of anxiety is that that anxiety is very powerful. If one cannot stimulate others with one's beliefs, the anxiety is very powerful. The more somebody tries to convince you of something,that wonderful line in the 55 from Shakespeare, "Me think he doth protest too much." One has to be careful.
~Ra Uru Hu