“Remember what strategy and authority does.
It is the catalyst.
It is simply the catalyst.
And when I say simply please understand it's the most incredible thing we have in human design is strategy and authority because without it there's nothing.
Truly there's nothing.
But yet strategy and authority simply ends the rule of mind, begins the process of moving in a direction that eliminates resistance.
But it doesn't mean that suddenly you're going to be aware.
It isn't.
It doesn't mean suddenly that you're going to have a transcendent Passenger Consciousness at work it does not.
It is quite a process to get there.
But variable says you do not have to go in the dark. You do not have to go blindly. That it's all laid out.
That there are those that are trained to provide you with support.
That there is knowledge that is there that can empower you.
That that process is open to you and the reward is waiting.”