Vernon tagged me in this post over on FB with a question - see images in comments for that part :)
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
The worst thing you can say to a Projector is: “Look at yourself in the mirror.”
"Nobody is ever going to know you better than a Projector. That’s what they’re here for.
And of course they are normally really ignorant, you know, because they’re so deeply conditioned.
They are playing Super Generator.
They are not interested in the other. Even though they are [here to be] interested in the others.
What do they do?
You know, they watch television, they go to the movies. They look at the other in that way, but it never becomes what they really are.
They are running around under the pressure to know themselves. “Know yourself, know yourself, know yourself.” Non-sacral beings following people to learn about themselves!
I mean, what an incredible joke. That’s not who they are. It’s not.
When you go into the aura of a Generator and that Generator is going to be your teacher, that Generator is always going to tell you to “know yourself.”
What to do?
As a Projector… that is detrimental to your health.
All it’s doing is reinforcing your Not-Self and your mind is going to go along the whole trip.
“We don’t know when enough is enough, no, we’re confused about who we are, but we are going to keep on looking. We’re going to keep on looking, because we have to find who we are, even if we are terribly confused. Even if we’re not interested. Why are they forcing me to look into myself?”
Can you imagine all of the people who are non-sacral in this world, who are in therapy?
“Let’s look into your problems now.” Give me a break, I think you have a problem. You know, this is not what they’re for.
And when you’re dealing with Projectors, it’s crippling for them.
The worst thing you can say to a Projector is: “Look at yourself in the mirror.”
Oh my God. You know? It’s like you’re trying to kill them.
“Go ahead, look at yourself in the mirror, go on, go on, look at what you look like.”
Oooh. That’s not what they’re here for. They don’t want to see that. They don’t. I mean, they’re not very good at seeing who they are. They’re not.
That’s why they are very confused about what recognition is. Only when they begin to study the other, they begin to understad why they get recognized in certain ways. And what gets recognized in them.
They begin to really have their life. And they can only have their life in relationship to the other.
And if they don’t have a proper relationship with the other, they don’t get a life. They don’t."