“The Head Centre and the Root Centre are both pressure centres, so that they have a profound commonality in that they both are fuels for central processes in what it is to be human. But at the same time they’re vastly different, and vastly different for a very simple reason.
The Root Centre is a motor. It’s a motor, and as a motor its fuel is something very, very different than the Head Centre. The Head Centre is not a motor; it’s just a pressure, nothing more. And, of course, that gives us a deep insight into the nature of mind. The mind is also caught up in a little sandwich, and it’s a non-motor sandwich. The Head Centre above, and the Throat below.
And that says something that’s central for us about the nature of the mind – is that the mind itself is not designed to do anything. It’s not designed to do anything. That is, it’s not designed to manifest activity. It’s designed to manifest language, communication. But it is not being fuelled by a motor. It tells us so much about the dilemma we have, in trusting the nature of mind to guide us in our own lives.
Your mind is something you cannot trust to be of value for you; it cannot be your authority in your life. But your mind is a great value to the other – this is the irony of being human. We’re here to communicate to each other, this part of the process of developing the consciousness field. But the mind is not there to guide us into activity. You know, authority is some place else in your design.”