Liz Newton shared -
The words can be confusing, they’re actually very different things….
PROJECTOR relates to our aura type.
Ra: “A Projector aura is very unusual. It is a focusing aura. It is a focusing aura that literally just focuses in on the other. As a matter of fact, the healthiest meetings of Projector are with one person at a time because of this power of their aura to focus. But it also means that in their focusing their aura outward, in their probing with their aura, they‘re also very open. And here their definition can be taken in deeply by the other.”
While PROJECTION is what’s called a keynote for Line 2 and Line 5.
Ra: “One of the ways in which we look at the hexagram is that we see the hexagram as a two-storey building. You‘ve got your windows on the first floor and your windows on the second floor. And if you think about it, the foundation is the 1st line and the ceiling is the 3rd line and that window is the 2nd line. Now, if you go further above, by the way, the floor of the next level is the 4, so there is its harmony to the floor, to the foundation below. And then you have the window above, which is the 5. And then finally, you have the roof, which is the 6. This is the basic concept.
[Line 2] This window, this 2—imagine that it's night time and the lights are on and you're walking along this street, you can look in and you can see inside, when in fact, this person inside could not see you. You know what that's like, you‘re inside a room at night and the window and the blinds are open, the lights are on, you can‘t see outside, you only get the reflections in the glass, you don't see outside, but anybody can see in. This is what this projection means. Anybody can look inside of the 2 and say, hey, you could be really good at this, or whatever…
[Line 5] The heretic gets tremendous projection. Remember our little construct here of the house with the upper windows and the lower windows. Well, if you‘re a 2 the lights are on and everybody is looking in. But if you‘re a 5, the lights are off, and you're looking out and nobody can see in. It‘s very different... And the thing about the 5 is everybody projects on the 5, that the 5 can be the best of this and that, and the other. The great dilemma for the 5 is dealing with the projection field.”