“Outer authority is what we share, what we communicate to each other in order to bond to each other.
Defined or undefined ajna and head, whether to the throat or not can never be an inner authority.
It can only have outer authority and be of value to the other. We all live on the mental plane.
This is where we have our home in this stage of our evolution.
Even though we can talk about the splenic system, none of you knows how the lymphatic system works. None of you can possibly understand how it operates.
None of us have any connection to the neural system that runs our emotional system, which is so complex that even the scientists are deeply baffled by all of that.
Where we live is - we live on the mental plane.
Long before we had the capacity to articulate in the earliest stages of our development as a species, we lived only from the splenic plane.
Like our dogs and cats, we were just vibrating in the Now. Today we live in our evolution at this mental level.
Please recognize something, we are in the last 300 or 400 years of mental development; it is practically finished now.
The mind can only be at peace when it recognizes its nature and it sees over and over again the truth of that recognition confirmed for it.
That is why Human Design is mental, not spiritual or therapeutic - Human Design is a mental system so we can finish our mental business, so we can get to the spirit.
We can't get to the spirit until we finish this mind trip.
As long as we are trying to give inner authority to our mind, we can never get to the spirit. So we have to finish our mental business.
That means that we have to come to understand our nature and then to experiment in our lives to recognize its inherent truth.
This is not about taking something in mentally and that’s it - like you read a good book or you read some philosopher or teacher or whatever the case may be.
This is practical application, practical knowledge, something that you use.
This is practical and the moment that you grasp the essence of your design and you start your process of living that out, by the time you've confirmed it for yourself, by the time you've gone through that seven-year process, you will leave the mind behind.
It won't matter anymore. My mind does not matter to me anymore.
It is just this busy thing up here doing its thing, giving out its outer authority.
But it has no place in my life anymore; it has no power over me anymore, none whatsoever.
It is just a nice thing, it is just a lovely tool, and its nothing more.
Because in the nature of who I am, I've reconfirmed that over and over and over and over again.
This is what our process is.
Only when we get to this point that we satisfy our minds, only then will we be free of them; we must satisfy them.
Think about your spiritual experiences, your esoteric experiences.
It is great to sit around and hug the light, but you know, what does it mean?
Until you come to a point where you can let go of this mind trying to figure out what’s important for you, only then does the light matter anyway.
There is no light as long as you are running around trying to find inner authority in your mind.
It just doesn't work.
But you must recognize that the mind itself is a holy thing and it is an incredibly powerful thing.
It must be satisfied, or it will never let go of you, never. It will torture you until you die, because that is what the mind can do.
That is what it does to us - it tortures us till death, "Could I, should I, might I, would I, why not, how come." On and on and on and on.
Until you get to that point that you can release your mind from that, you still have to deal with suffering in this life.
The moment that your mind is satisfied, the moment that your mind is just a little corporal working in the office doing research, everything is great.
The maya machine is only there to add up all the numbers and know what the formula is.
Once you know the formula, you're liberated and then you can deal with the spirit.”
PS. I just remembered I did a TikTok of part of this :)