I have Gate 41, but it’s activated in red (unconscious) across my split, so I don’t really recognize- yet anyway.
Everything across my split is red though and the rest I have come to be able to see - 19/49 that defines my emotional Authority, 39.5 in my Design Moon that provokes by “stepping around the shit”
Poor 41 has been quite overshadowed 🙃
I do recognize what Ra is saying here about th chaos - but then I also have red Gates 36 and 6 - Chaos and Friction 😄 … so yeah, poor Gate 41. It’s been eclipsed.
Maybe I look more closely. Maybe not 🤷🏻♀️🥳
Does it surprise you that, 9 years in I still find things to understand better about my chart?
It’s definitely a marathon. And we gain awareness - real awareness- of the bits and pieces over time on a “need to know in our real lives” basis - that’s been my experience anyway 🤷🏻♀️😊
It’s a marathon, not a sprint.
Now here’s Ra -
“It's the joke of the 41, you know, sitting with its fantasies. But only the not-self gets sucked into that and what that brings: chaos after chaos after chaos.
It's collective; it's not personal. You're not personally loving anybody. You're not personally fucking anybody. You're having an experience. How are you supposed to translate that into love? You're not even thinking about the person. You're in the experience. It's only the experience that matters. That's what desire is.
And back there in the root of it, as the awake being, is this ability to transcend that, to turn it into the most impersonal perfection of love possible. That's what fantasy is.
After all, when you fantasize, you create the perfection. Its all exactly the way you like. It's all exactly the way you want it. It's wonderful, isn't it? That's the magic given to us. It’s a way of love that's given to us.
By the way, we all share the same fantasy. We're all in the same program. That kind of love is transcendent. It's out there in what people used to call the astral. We're all connecting in those realms. Oh, it's really alive. It’s just different, and it's different when you're awake.
One day, if I have the time, I will write an I'Ching for awake people instead of the one we have now, which is for the sleepers, because it's different. It's different when you're awake.”
PS. That last paragraph annoys the heck out of me every time I read it 🤦🏻♀️
It would be so handy to have just a couple Gates of rewrite, just to be able to see wth he imagined that to look like 😛