Two Years Ago I Did a 5-Day Facebook Live Challenge
I love the Memories feature on Facebook.
Getting to peek at past me and even be reminded of this and that (ideas, project possibilities, how things have changed ... or not), for me anyway - pretty neat.
Today, a video popped up - Day 5 of a FB live series I did two years ago.
Not only is it cool to be able to watch again. What I have always appreciated - about video especially - is the ability to leverage the end product across time.
A perfect example is a video I made about 3 years ago now, sharing what I knew so far about my Human Design environment - Markets Internal.
It’s about 20 minutes long and rather than repeat the unrepeatable (it was a moment in time, it would be similar but not identical if I made that same video now), or spend time and energy telling the same-ish story over and over... that video can do that work.
At least “good enough” till someone wants to seek out my direct counsel. Hear it from the horse’s mouth so to speak.
I can check how many hours that one video has saved me to date.
Today, it’s Day 5 of a FB Live challenge that I did TWO years ago that’s caught my eye.
Until I (or someone else ... psst my VA peeps) get around to storing this series in a better place - we can watch here -
I mention future plans for a 5 Part Live series called “5 Steps to High Ticket Offers People Can Say Yes To”
It hasn’t happened via Lives. I’m not sure that’s the right medium for the delivery of that content.
It’s actually a spin-off from a talk from stage (my first ever!) that I did at a Marketing Mastermind in Mexico back in 2013 or so.
I have that video (now also exists as a pdf) floating around somewhere.
Lives would be better suited - for me at least - as a portal for people to be able to lean in.
I dunno ... maybe it’s time to do that. Create a portal for that.
Been meaning to for quite awhile.
Anyway, watching this Day 5 video for me is a great reminder of how creating things like this (or even posts on this Locals) that allow people to lean in or not ...
Can be relevant and useful to me at the very least.
Maybe for you too :)
PS. If you have any hankering to try your hand at FB Lives in particular (I didn’t lol, and yet still interesting outcomes happened) ... the cheatsheet/checklist thingy I mention how to get towards the end ... I can probably still find. :)