“Acceptance is something that is very profound. If you have a car and it can only go so fast, you accept it. What are you going to do? You just have to accept it; otherwise you don't have any transportation. These vehicles of ours, we have to accept them.
What we are accepting in all of that is everything we thought we had responsibility for as a person. What we are accepting is that this is all automatic pilot. It's like driving a car when you're on LSD, as the moment that you think about driving the car, you'll die.
The moment you let your body drive the car, it will. It's about non-interference as a concept. It's about recognizing that at the motivational level there is truly nothing we can do and we really are incompetent, because so many of those motivations, we're not equipped to handle in any consistent way.
To realize that completion is non-existent because every day the pattern of your life is different. That is, what you are as a being is different. Oh, yes, you have the same consistent base, but that really doesn't mean anything. The aura that you're in and the position of the planets and the program, that's who you are today.
There is no way that you can say that this is a self-contained vehicle - it's just not. In recognizing that the motivational level in us is something where we are so profoundly helpless, basically what that offers us is the acceptance of the geometry of life. So many of the important things of life are missed, not because they weren't there but because you didn't see them. In being able to live out your nature, what you are really doing is truly becoming the passenger.
It doesn't mean that you do not feel the experience of what you see as you move through your space. But there is this deep, deep recognition that has to be there, that the way in which that vehicle works at any given level is not the passenger, and there's not anything that the passenger can do about it.
At that point it doesn't matter whether your vehicle is constantly going through alterations in the course of its movement. It doesn't make any difference. It doesn't make any difference as you move from this aura to that aura; you are still looking out of the same windows. It says something about who's there in your life.”