Correct PHS - especially important for the Right Brained
[Right Brain is found in the body graph by checking the direction of the top red variable arrow. Mine points Left.
The top black arrow is Mind - this is my only Right pointing arrow, how about yours?
One caveat - the direction of the arrows which is connected to Tone can be sensitive to having an accurate birth time]
Koen’s Ra Quote of the day
The Right-brain is deeply, deeply dependent on correct PHS
“It‘s so interesting to recognize something about the nature of the Right-brain.
The Right-brain is deeply, deeply dependent on correct PHS; deeply dependent. All these beings who have come in on this plane at this time who are Right-brained and Right-minded but particularly Right-brained, because they have been overwhelmingly conditioned to being strategic, their brains systems are really clogged up; they‘re really unhealthy. They have been taxed to a point in which they are not functioning well at all.
One of the priorities for Right-ness, one of the priorities for any of you carrying these kinds of configurations, is how important it is that your dietary regimen is something that really is going to finally bring the correctness to the way in which your brain will work and will take the pressure off of it.
If you're not following the dietary regimen, you're still going to have all the old conditioning on a brain system that was constantly being compelled to be active.
And this creates all kinds of dilemmas and stops the process of being able to properly take in the potential that is there in any Right-brained being, this huge storage potential that is part of what the passive brain is all about.
The other thing is that until the brain takes on its pure passive nature, it's only then that the whole Personality potential is possible. It‘s only then that the form begins to relax.
It‘s always interesting when you look at an emotional being, any emotional being, and you look at them from their brain, just from the brain, if the brain isn't operating correctly, the emotional system is going to be chaotic. It‘s just going to be chaotic.
Obviously, when we‘re talking about the brain, the brain is connected to everything.
Without the proper PHS—which means being able, in this case [ie. the example chart he must’ve been using at the time], caveman diet, to establish the correct frequency of the brain, that's also going to change the frequency of the emotional system. It just is.
And obviously it's going to change transitoriness, the potential of crisis, and all these other things [here he must’ve been referencing active gates in the example chart].
It is such an extraordinary thing to grasp that if you're not correct and you're Right, the dilemmas that arise in your life create more demands for you to be strategic.
It becomes a Catch-22 and you can't get out, you just can't get out.
It‘s why Strategy and Authority is so important.
It is why it is the key to begin with because it releases one from that pressure.