I have some FB venting to do 😐
So, so glad this platform exists.
And am also poked (yet again) to get my email list building hat BACK ON! So there's even more fail-safe net built in.
Fuck FB.
Truly .... I hate it and the way is pulls our strings and makes us dance.
Some algorithm has been switched on and is now removing content without letting us (me) completely see wth it is they're removing. Not an absurd amount, but old stuff that I can't hope to have any clue about what's in it or what might be breaking their community rules.
This is the sort of thing that makes me see fricken Red. Very little does, but this un-agreed to "erasing of past effort put in" thing (much like when someone deletes a thread they've started and lots of people - or even only me would be enough - have commented on, that they then delete).
This maybe ought to go into Dbay for future reminders/conversaion about the email listbuilding ... but for right now, I'm just really annoyed. Emotional wave NOT settled. 🙄
So it's landing here. :)
What a headache to have to keep requesting a review. "Or my account will suffer"
Also - FB assumes we're they/them until opted in otherwise - so I'm forced to pick one of three - what an utter bunch of bull (also kinda hilarious that FB draws the line at 3 options within their system)... they know what's up 😅
I guess they can see there's an enough is enough to differentiation that's about practicality and being able to communicate. Yeah I tend to agree.
Stupid emotional wave grrrrr....
This too shall pass - but it's fricken annoying while I'm in the middle of it. I I feel nauseous. And there's also obvious head pressure.
The smart move is to re-invigorate my communication channels in email. Both in platforms like this one (Locals that can send emails to all members - like I'm doing with this one, though I don't send every post, obviously) and substack (though that feels a bit like it's maybe more markets external-ish than I can enjoy), and an actual email list. Maybe like a general "in the loop" one might make sense.
No actual clue right now - in this wavy upheaved moment.
And that's the thing that matters .... to notice.
It's always about the noticing.
Oh PS. - I had an opportunity this morning to re-watch the talk about transits that I did with Sjef a few years back - maybe just me, but I completely enjoyed it.
If you haven't watched it or would like to watch it again, just drop a comment and I shall be happy to fetch you the link (it might also already be in a previous post here).