It’s a little sappy … but I like Maurizio’s reminder that the lines have their nuance. ☺️
And we can remember, it is also only the weather 🥰
It is not you (or them) unless this is your definition, in which case you are always potentially this weather for other people.
Now ain’t that something to think about 🙃🥳
None of it’s personal 😙
It’s okay.
“Equinox comes from the Latin words “aequi,” which means equal, and “nox,” or night. On the equinox, day and night are of nearly equal length across the planet. The Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere represents the point after which the nights become longer than the days as the North Pole tilts away from the sun. The equinoxes are also symbolic of the transitions of life.
May this transition of seasons bring balance to your life and to those who you hold most dear.
Love Yourself,
The Sun's transit in Gate 46 during the Equinox brings the energy of reaching for the highest expression of who you are by being determined to make the most of each experience. It’s a Love Gate - Love of the Body.
Edited excerpts from Journey Around the Wheel – Incarnation Crosses Semester 3:
Dedication and Perseverance to Following the Journey
And if you can deeply, I mean very deeply align with your form at a level that only Design can hope to show people, if you can align with your form then you can meet what's coming. And uh oh, all the rest of the gates in this application half {of the Quarter of Duality} are the fears we have of life. They’re every single one of the fears that are taunting us, haunting us.
And if you aren't aligned with your form, you're going to feel so at odds with what the hell have I gotten myself into, what the hell is going on here. Oh my God, can I survive all of these things that are jumping up at me in the moment all the time. Can I feel secure about my future? Can I feel secure about my past? Can I feel secure about the authority that I interact with? How do I face the idea of death? How do I face the idea of failure? How do I handle responsibility? What makes me feel adequate or adequate? How do I meet all those things? Well, if you aren’t deeply grounded in your body you will not be able to easily meet those fears.
If you don't have that deep connection with your form you can't hope to easily navigate all the fears that will be coming up. ~ Cathy Kinnaird