You can’t become your uniqueness.
“You can't become a uniqueness.
‘Cause it's something you already are.
You can only start being it, living it. Surrendering to it with every breath.
One breath at a time.
And stop trying to become something else than you already are is only the first step.
But anyway, living the uniqueness that you are is not some passive conformistic thing. It's actually an active rebellious thing.
Even for non-energy types, it's an active state of awareness. (Funny kind of active, cause it's active without any doing)
Surrender doesn't mean giving up on your life. Your character may be an intense insatiable struggling rebellious warrior while it's mind is totally surrendered to the body.
And only the moment the mind is really surrendered to the body, only then it is able to see this life as it supposed to see it - as a movie.
Before surrender there's no movie cause no one is watching.
Before surrender there's hyperserious involovedness, false identification, dramatic resistance, desperateness and confusion, but no space and no possibility for movie being watched.
Anyway, no choice about any of that.”
[Becoming the watcher is “the work” -A]