1pm - Wanna zoom while I Bear sit?
This little booger (Bear) arrived semi-unexpectedly this morning - he’s my daughter’s dog - needs constant companionship 🤓 Today that’s me 😋
She wanted to go out (nice story of waiting till the last minute with her Authority to decide that I can share).
I also had overnight to decide.
Anyway - wanna Zoom today? I’m thinking around 1pm Eastern.
Would love to catch up!
With enough raised hands, I can post a link and pin it to the top here closer to go time.
Andrea 🙂
PS. For new folks - though there’s no promise of a zoom month to month (I have an undefined ego), I do seem to have energy for one every 3 or 4 weeks and usually am able to make a post for it a few hours in advance.
If you’d like to participate, it’s a supporter perk.
Activate your subscription (monthly or annual will do) and you’ll be able to see the posted zoom link later.
Cool? :)