About Mental Projectors - from Alok
Alok writes -
To be a Mental Projector is to be a very special kind of Projector…
Mental Projectors don't have any defined source of consistent inner authority, which means that they don't know how to determine anything about their own material life. Everything in their material reality binds them to somebody else one way or another.
You see, Projectors are very dependent in the form, but in the spirit they don’t really depend on anyone. They do depend on their own awareness. They depend on their own understanding. They do depend on their own ability to make sense out of what is happening in their lives. To know what is happening in one's own life and to know what it has to do with oneself. So, if you are Mental Projector you are not here to make a lot of decisions. I mean, not the way all the other Types make decisions…
Why is inner authority important? Because it is a place from where we can always withdraw from what is not correct for us. It's a way in which we can protect ourselves from what is not correct for us. Mental Projectors don`t have this. They come into the world and they realize there's a lot of shit happening in the world that is not for them and what to do? They are here to recognize that life is not only what you like. It's also what you don't like. People are not only what you like about them. They are also what you don't like. And mental Projectors are here to be deeply vulnerable to others while they are also deeply aware of that vulnerable condition of theirs.
Projectors in general are very vulnerable and fragile spirits, with a level of human sensitivity that is way beyond average. And Mental Projectors are more sensitive to energy than any other kind of Projectors, for obvious reasons. They carry no definition below the Throat. and are totally open to the energy they pick up from the aura of others, not necessarily because they want to, but because they have no inherent way to block it off. No defined way to block it off. If you have any form of inner authority defined in your design, there is always a way for you to block incorrect conditioning off.
Your body is going to give you a signal, your body is going to react in a way that allows you to neutralize the conditioning and/or handle it best you can. Mental Projectors don`t have this natural capacity. They take it all in, and in taking it all in, they are always having a direct experience. And that's what keeps their mind going, “what is this? what is that?” Oh, this is not like that.
It all depends, if the mind is logical it will make a very factual analysis of what is happening. If instead it is abstract, then it will look into the personal past, to see how many times something similar has happened before. Where did I feel like this before? And if the mind is individual, it will say, “oh, I know what this is. I always feel like this. It is the same shit every day. I know this stuff."
But it never stops. They just keep taking in the energy of others, and that`s their experience of themselves in life. There's always something happening for them that ties them up to others, without knowing when enough is enough, unless they get to be alone in their own aura. See, this is the thing with Projectors. They are so focused trying to figure out who the other is and what they are getting from them, that they don't seem to understand that their open Sacral Center acts like a vacuum cleaner for the frustration of those that they have around.
They can get so deeply lost in the other that their mental dilemma - “Who are you?" - becomes "I don`t mind eating your frustration while I try to figure out if I can get what I want from you.” They just keep getting lost in the other…
So, Mental Projectors have only one truly important decision to make. “Do I trust you enough to sit with you?” “Do I trust you enough to go along with you and let myself be taken by your geometry? Because that's exactly what they are here to do. They are here to join somebody else's trip or not, and share somebody else's movie or not. And it all depends on nothing else then “who are you?” “Do I like your movie?” “Can I see something of myself in your movie?” “What human potential do you fix in me with your definition every time we meet?”
~ Alokanand Diaz
Would love to hear if your experience with/as a Mental Projector is in line with this :)