“We are filters in the consciousness ocean. And we are complex filters, obviously.
Complex in the sense that we, ourselves are a binary construct, but all we do is filter.
It's what I mean when I say that the passenger has to stand back, that the mind can no longer make decisions.
How important Strategy and Authority is. It's not about what we call it: learn how to make decisions as yourself, transform your life, blah, blah, blah news at eight.
It's - get the frequency right, so you can be a truly conscious human being, get the frequency right. That’s what we’re talking; become consciousness.
Yes, sure, you get there; you get there in the illusion by changing the frequency of the vehicle.
This is what Strategy and Authority does. It begins the process of allowing the Monopole slowly but surely to be able to align these aspects together in a potential of perfection.
And the very work of it works through the Nodes because the Monopole operates through the Nodes, holding us together in this illusion of separateness and moving us along our line of geometry.”