Channel 50/27 & relationships, definition and minor circuits
“Everything about our deepest relationship to each other is about response and timing. Remember that when you meet someone, what you put inside of them is You; your definition. It is not the not-self that you are thinking that you put into them. What they receive is the real you.
The moment that a 50/27 steps into your aura, there is a part of you that is ready to trust them with your life. This is something very important to understand about their power and their importance in society. They are here to establish values in the tribe and they have the same power as the 59/6 to pull you into their aura. It may look like they are penetrating your aura, but in fact they are pulling you into their aura so that they can establish the proper values out of the intimacy.
It’s important to understand the power of the minor circuits. There are only two minor circuits. The centering circuit brings its centered individuality into the world. It brings the art of joy; the joy of following one’s convictions and of loving oneself in the process. Wherever it goes, the Centering Circuit impacts all the collective and tribal forces by making them much more individual.
Here in the Defense Circuit, wherever it emerges in the world, it automatically brings its tribal quality. It demands support. Centering empowers, and Defense demands support. It is all about looking after each other, both emotionally and with a clear set of values. Those two things together change so many people’s designs when they come together as partners. When you look at partnerships, take a look and see whether the Centering Circuit or the Defense Circuit, or even both appears out of the partnership.
Sometimes two very individual people come together and all of a sudden they create the Defense Circuit or either one of its two channels. This will immediately create a much more dependency oriented relationship, even among stringent individuals. Unless one can accept that this relationship it is about mutual dependency, there will be great struggle, particularly in the case of individuals. It is not that one person will be dependent upon the other, but that there are many roles that need to be lived out. The key in all relationships is patience, not only when you are together, but when you are actually in the process of forming a bond.”