Splenic Authority: Mind thinks Spleen is an idiot
"But to be splenic is like having moment-by-moment amnesia.
All you have is the moment, and the moment you have the moment, the moment is gone and everything is the next moment and then it's gone, and then the next moment and then it's gone...
You‟re walking in the dark and your splenic system says to you: stop walking.
If you don't listen, it won't tell you that quarter inch before you go off the cliff. It will not come back and tell you again. It can’t. It’s on to the next thing.
My mind thinks my spleen is a retard. Well, it’s true. The mind really thinks that the spleen is inferior, seriously inferior. I know; I’m splenic, splenic authority.
The moment that your spleen says no or yes to whatever the hell it is, the mind immediately jumps in and goes, could you elaborate?
Elaborate about what? Instant amnesia—it‟s gone.
And the mind says, what was that back there?
And you’re getting the next impulse.
After all, the mind thinks that the spleen is ridiculous and that emotions are a pain in the ass.
This is not truly conceptual-able, if there is such a word, if not we'll add it to our list of new vocabulary."
~Ra Uru Hu
Thanks Oleksander Vasin