“My recognition of Human Design as a valid construct came at the time of my first reading in January of 1999. It was an intellectual recognition based on my twenty-five years of experience as a psychologist counseling alcoholics and drug addicts.
I had learned early on that my ability to help others with these maladies was effective only when I was asked, or invited, for my help. Verification of strategy as to type (mine being a projector) was familiar to me.
In May of 1999, I asked Ra if he might instruct me in the basics of Human Design. He agreed and for a period of one week we did what now would be called an 'analyst's training.' On the last day, he said, "Today, I will teach you profile." My first thought was "Let's not get too esoteric. I'm most interested in the basic channels and gates leading to definition." Fortunately I didn't voice this objection.
By the time I left that night, I really noticed a hum, a vibration that the day's course in profiling had created within me. I am a mental being - no Tinker Bell, and yet I knew and felt that this was the music that went with the picture.”